University of Sydney Law School, Sydney, Australia
Established in 1855, Sydney Law School is one of the rst law
schools in Australia. Its focus is on internaonal and comparave
law, as well as strong programs in tax, corporate, criminal,
environmental and health law.
Has approximately 3000 law students.
The law school is part of the universitys main campus, situated
next to the Supreme Court and on the edge of the central
business district.
Open for Fall or Spring semester, keeping in mind that the season
is opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.
Dates: February—June and July—November
This is a commuter campus therefore there is limited housing available, however, the university will assist students with
recommendaons to nd housing o-campus.
Central European University, Vienna, Austria
Founded in 1991, CEU is a private research university dedicated to
interdisciplinary research. They have an internaonal faculty and
students from around the world. They are known for their highly
intensive programs and low faculty-to-student rao.
CEU oers only masters and doctoral degrees in law. It is a small
program, with about 80 students enrolled each year. Their legal
studies are divided into three areas: Comparave Constuonal Law,
Internaonal Business Law, and Human Rights Law.
Located in Viennas mulcultural 10th District, Favoriten, easily
accessible via public transportaon from around the city.
Courses are taught in English.
Recommended only for Fall semester. Dates: August—December.
Students nd housing on their own.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The law faculty was established in 2005. Reecng Hong Kong's
Chinese heritage and its common law inheritance, the Faculty
educates lawyers who appreciate how the common law and
Chinese culture t into the modern world.
Located in Hong Kongs central business district.
Open for Fall or Spring semester.
Dates: September—December and January– May.
Courses are in English.
Cardozo students take classes in the LL.M. programs oered in either Chinese Business Law or Internaonal Economic Law.
Student housing is available, but the dorms are far from the law faculty so students are advised to nd their own housing,
Peking University Law School, Beijing, China
Founded in 1902, is the law faculty with the longest history in
China of modern legal educaon. Has 3000 law students from
undergraduate to Ph.D. level studies. Specializes in legal theory,
constuonal law, administrave law, economic law, and criminal
Located in a suburb 1 hour outside of downtown Beijing, it is
situated on a beauful campus near the Summer Palace.
Open for Fall or Spring semester.
Dates: September—January (Cardozo students can arrange to
take nal exams early) and February—July (no early exams in
Many PKU courses are in Chinese only, but students can nd English law courses through the LLM in Chinese Law.
Student housing is available on campus in the Global Village.
University Paris X—Nanterre, Paris, France
The law faculty was established in 1964, as part of the Paris
University system. It is one of only a few law schools within the Paris
system and it has one of the best law libraries in France.
This is a large university with 30,000 students and about 8000 law
The law school oers a wide selecon of law courses, with strong
focus in internaonal trade, human rights, and labor law.
Located in a suburb, approximately 20 minutes by train to central
Open for Fall or Spring semester.
Dates: September—January (it may be possible to arrange early exams) and February—June.
Courses and exams are in French.
University Paris I—Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
With 800 years of excellence, La Sorbonne is one of the largest
universies in France. La Sorbonne Law School within the university
was founded in 2009 and oers two tracks of a special joint-degree
J.D/LL.M. program: Cardozo students may spend their full 3L year in
either the French LL.M. program, which oers a wide-range of law
courses, or in the English-taught LL.M in Business Law program for
non-French lawyers.
These joint J.D/LL.M. programs are open to Cardozo students who
have completed 4 semesters and all the core Cardozo requirements
for graduaon.
Located in the central and vibrant Lan Quarter of Paris.
Students enroll for the full year. Dates: October—May.
Students nd housing on their own.
Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany
Small, private law school, founded in 2000, known for
innovave teaching and legal research.
Cardozo students take courses focused on internaonal and
comparave business law. The school is acvely engaged in
internaonal exchange, so Cardozo students would be taking
courses alongside students from all over the world.
Open for Fall semester only.
Dates: September—December.
Located in the vibrant port city of Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany.
Courses are in English, with German language instrucon provided as well. All exchange students are required to take one survey
course in German law.
Students must nd housing on their own, although the law school does assist.
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
A large public research university, situated in East Berlin. It was
established in 1809, making it the oldest university in Berlin.
Courses are taught mostly in German. There are a limited
number of law courses in English as well. There is an intensive
German language course oered before the start of the
semester, which is recommended.
Open for Spring semester only.
Dates: April—July.
Housing is available to exchange students through the
internaonal oce.
Freie University, Berlin, Germany
A leading research university in Germany, Freie was founded in
1948 during the Cold War in West Berlin with funding from the
United States and the internaonal community.
Located in a beauful suburb of West Berlin, about 35 minutes
by train from central Berlin.
The Law department is divided into three units: civil law,
criminal law, and public law.
Courses are taught in German and English. Intensive German
language is oered before the start of the semester at an
addional cost, and is recommended.
Open for Spring semester only. Dates: April—July.
Limited number of student housing opons are available through the university housing oce.
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Founded in 1955 and located just 20 minutes outside of Tel Aviv,
Bar-Ilan is a large university with a Faculty of Law being one of 9
academic facules on the campus.
Courses are taught in Hebrew and English.
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: OctoberJanuary; March—
August (Cardozo students can arrange to take nal exams early).
Dorms on campus are available for internaonal students on a rst-
come basis, or else students can nd housing in the surrounding area
near the campus.
College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan, Israel
A private college founded in 1995 by members of the law faculty of
Hebrew University, it oers courses in English for both law and
business studies.
Open for Fall or Spring semester.
Dates: October—January; March—August (Cardozo students can
arrange to take nal exams early).
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
#1 university in Israel, the law faculty was founded in 1945 as the rst
law faculty in Israel. They focus on internaonal law and human rights.
Internship opportunies are available.
Courses are taught in English.
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: OctoberJanuary; March—
August (Cardozo students can arrange to take nal exams early).
On-campus housing in dorms is guaranteed to internaonal students if
they apply by the deadline.
Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel
Founded in 1994, a privately-funded university with a global and
interdisciplinary focus. The Radziner Law School oers joint
programs in Law and Business, Law and Government, Law and
Psychology, and Law and Technology.
Courses are taught in English,
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: OctoberJanuary;
March—August (Cardozo students can arrange to take nal exams
On-campus housing is available but very limited.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Considered one of Israels top universies, it is the largest and most
comprehensive university in Israel. However, the Law Faculty is small by
design with excellent research, legal centers, and clinical training.
Courses are taught in English.
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: OctoberJanuary; March—
August (Cardozo students can arrange to take nal exams early).
Students must nd housing on their own.
Palermo University, Palermo, Italy
Founded in 1806, a large university with over 40,000 students and 16
facules, including Law.
Most courses are taught in Italian, with a small oering of opons in
English. Italian language classes are available for internaonal
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: September—January;
Students nd housing on their own,
Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Founded in 1992, a modern public university. The Law Faculty has approximately
6000 students, aracng many internaonal students from around the world.
The courses in the English-language track of the law school oer smaller seminar-
style classes and more engagement with the faculty than in the larger law
department. There are a limited number of courses in English and the focus tends
to be on European Union Law.
Roma Tre is conveniently located in Rome with easy access on public
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: September—December; March—June.
Students nd housing on their own.
Amsterdam Law School, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Large law school with approximately 3500 students.
Located in the center of Amsterdam.
Cardozo students take classes in the LL.M. programs oered in
English in European Private Law and in Internaonal and European
Law. These programs aract students from around the world and
generally do not enroll Dutch students.
Courses are in English.
Open for Fall or Spring semester, but Fall is beer. Dates: September—December and February May.
Student housing is available.
ESADE Law School, Barcelona, Spain
Founded in 1958, ESADE is an independent university. Originally founded
as a Business School, the law department opened in 1993 and has a
strong focus on Business and Technology Law.
Open for Fall or Spring semester. Dates: AugustDecember and
Courses are taught in English and Spanish in the Fall, but only in Spanish
in the Spring.
Students nd housing on their own.
Oxford University, Oxford, England
Program of Comparave Media Law and Policy. Founded in 1996 by the
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. This is a research and policy program for
Ph.D. students, so Cardozo students must be invested in conducng
supervised but independent research. Students also have access to
aend lectures, parcipate in seminars, and contribute to group
research projects while in residence.
Open for Spring semester only. Dates: January—May.
Students nd housing on their own.