Scope and Sequence
Levels 1a & 1b Scope and Sequence T9
Antes de Avanzar
This unit reviews most of the
vocabulary in Units 1–4.
This unit reviews most of the
grammar in units 1–4.
This unit recycles most of the vocabulary
and grammar in units 1–4.
1 Vivimos aquí
Describing a house; Household items;
Ser or estar; Ordinal numbers
Stem-changing verbs: o ue; Location words;
Colors; Clothing
2 Una fi esta en casa
Planning a party; Chores More irregular verbs; Affi rmative
Tener que; Interrogative words; Expressions of
frequency; Direct object pronouns
República Dominicana
1 ¿Cuál es tu deporte
Sports The verb jugar; Saber and conocer;
The personal a
Numbers from 200 to 1,000,000; Gustar with
nouns; Comparatives
2 La salud
Staying healthy; Parts of the body Preterite of regular -ar verbs; Preterite
of -car, -gar, -zar verbs
Gustar with nouns; Stem-changing verbs:
o ue; Telling time
1 En el cibercafé
Sending e-mails; Talking about when
events occur
Preterite of regular -er and -ir verbs;
Affi rmative and negative words
Affi rmative commands; Telling time; Foods
and beverages; Preterite of regular -ar verbs;
2 Un día en el parque de
Making a phone call; Places of interest Preterite of ir, ser, and hacer; Pronouns
after prepositions
Noun-adjective agreement; Places around town;
Stem-changing verbs: o ue
Costa Rica
1 Pensando en las
Daily routines; Vacation plans Refl exive verbs; Present progressive Preterite of hacer; Direct object pronouns; Parts
of the body; Chores; Houses; Telling time
2 ¡Vamos de vacaciones!
Discussing vacation and leisure activities Indirect object pronouns; Demonstrative
Family; Numbers from 200 to 1,000,000;
Gustar with an infi nitive; Present progressive;
Classroom objects
Bienvenido a nuestra casa
Unidad 5
Mantener un cuerpo sano
Unidad 6
¡Una semana fenomenal!
Unidad 7
Una rutina diferente
Unidad 8
Theme Vocabulary Grammar
Nueva York
Greetings; Introductions; Saying where
you are from; Numbers from 1 to 10;
Exchanging phone numbers; Days of the
week; The weather; Classroom phrases
The Spanish alphabet
Estados Unidos
1 ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
After-school activities; Snack foods and
Subject pronouns and ser; Gustar with
an infi nitive
Weather expressions
2 Mis amigos y yo
Describing yourself and others Defi nite and indefi nite articles; Noun-
adjective agreement
Ser; Snack foods; Gustar with an infi nitive;
After-school activities
1 Somos estudiantes
Daily schedules; Telling time; Numbers
from 11 to 100
The verb tener; Present tense of -ar
After-school activities
2 En la escuela
Describing classes; Describing location;
Expressing feelings
The verb estar; The verb ir Class subjects; Adjective agreement; Telling time
Puerto Rico
1 Mi comida favorita
Meals and food; Asking questions Gustar with nouns; Present tense of
-er and -ir verbs
Gustar with an infi nitive; Snack foods; The verb
estar; Telling time
2 En mi familia
Family; Giving dates; Numbers from
200 to 1,000,000
Possessive adjectives; Comparatives The verb tener; Numbers from 11 to 100;
After-school activities; Describing others
1 ¡Vamos de compras!
Clothing; Shopping
Stem-changing verbs: e ie;
Direct object pronouns
Numbers from 11 to 100; The verb tener;
After-school activities
2 ¿Qué hacemos esta
Places and events; Getting around town;
In a restaurant
Stem-changing verbs: o ue; Stem-
changing verbs: e i
Present tense of -er verbs; The verb ir; Direct
object pronouns; Tener expressions
Un rato con los amigos
Unidad 1
¡Vamos a la escuela!
Unidad 2
Comer en familia
Unidad 3
En el centro
Unidad 4
Levels &
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© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Scope and Sequence
T10 Level 1 Scope and Sequence
Theme Vocabulary Grammar
Nueva York
Greetings; Introductions; Saying where
you are from; Numbers from 1 to 10;
Exchanging phone numbers; Days of the
week; The weather; Classroom phrases
The Spanish alphabet
Estados Unidos
1 ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
After-school activities; Snack foods and
Subject pronouns and ser; Gustar with
an infi nitive
Weather expressions
2 Mis amigos y yo
Describing yourself and others Defi nite and indefi nite articles; Noun-
adjective agreement
Ser; Snack foods; Gustar with an infi nitive;
After-school activities
1 Somos estudiantes
Daily schedules; Telling time; Numbers
from 11 to 100
The verb tener; Present tense of -ar
After-school activities
2 En la escuela
Describing classes; Describing location;
Expressing feelings
The verb estar; The verb ir Class subjects; Adjective agreement; Telling time
Puerto Rico
1 Mi comida favorita
Meals and food; Asking questions Gustar with nouns; Present tense of
-er and -ir verbs
Gustar with an infi nitive; Snack foods; The verb
estar; Telling time
2 En mi familia
Family; Giving dates; Numbers from
200 to 1,000,000
Possessive adjectives; Comparatives The verb tener; Numbers from 11 to 100;
After-school activities; Describing others
1 ¡Vamos de compras!
Clothing; Shopping
Stem-changing verbs: e ie;
Direct object pronouns
Numbers from 11 to 100; The verb tener;
After-school activities
2 ¿Qué hacemos esta
Places and events; Getting around town;
In a restaurant
Stem-changing verbs: o ue; Stem-
changing verbs: e i
Present tense of -er verbs; The verb ir; Direct
object pronouns; Tener expressions
1 Vivimos aquí
Describing a house; Household items;
Ser or estar; Ordinal numbers
Stem-changing verbs: o ue; Location words;
Colors; Clothing
2 Una fi esta en casa
Planning a party; Chores More irregular verbs; Affi rmative
Tener que; Interrogative words; Expressions of
frequency; Direct object pronouns
República Dominicana
1 ¿Cuál es tu deporte
Sports The verb jugar; Saber and conocer;
The personal a
Numbers from 200 to 1,000,000; Gustar with
nouns; Comparatives
2 La salud
Staying healthy; Parts of the body Preterite of regular -ar verbs; Preterite
of -car, -gar, -zar verbs
Gustar with nouns; Stem-changing verbs:
o ue; Telling time
1 En el cibercafé
Sending e-mails; Talking about when
events occur
Preterite of regular -er and -ir verbs;
Affi rmative and negative words
Affi rmative commands; Telling time; Foods
and beverages; Preterite of regular -ar verbs;
2 Un día en el parque de
Making a phone call; Places of interest Preterite of ir, ser, and hacer; Pronouns
after prepositions
Noun-adjective agreement; Places around town;
Stem-changing verbs: o ue
Costa Rica
1 Pensando en las
Daily routines; Vacation plans Refl exive verbs; Present progressive Preterite of hacer; Direct object pronouns; Parts
of the body; Chores; Houses; Telling time
2 ¡Vamos de vacaciones!
Discussing vacation and leisure activities Indirect object pronouns; Demonstrative
Family; Numbers from 200 to 1,000,000;
Gustar with an infi nitive; Present progressive;
Classroom objects
Un rato con los amigos
Unidad 1
¡Vamos a la escuela!
Unidad 2
Comer en familia
Unidad 3
En el centro
Unidad 4
Bienvenido a nuestra casa
Unidad 5
Mantener un cuerpo sano
Unidad 6
¡Una semana fenomenal!
Unidad 7
Una rutina diferente
Unidad 8
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© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Scope and Sequence
Level 2 Scope and Sequence T11
Theme Vocabulary Grammar
Saying who you are; Personality
characteristics; Daily activities and food;
Places in school and around town; Saying
how you feel; Daily routine; Making plans
Defi nite and indefi nite articles;
Subject pronouns and ser; Adjectives;
The verb tener; The verb gustar;
Ir + a + place; Ser or estar; Regular
present-tense verbs; Stem-changing verbs
Costa Rica
1 ¡Vamos de viaje!
Going on a trip Direct object pronouns; Indirect object
Possessions; Prepositions of location; Places
around town; Daily activities
2 Cuéntame de tus
On vacation Preterite of -ar verbs; Preterite of ir,
ser, hacer, ver, dar
Interrogatives; Food; Days of the week; Parties
1 La Copa Mundial
Sports and health Preterite of -er and -ir verbs;
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Food; Sports equipment; Colors; Clothing;
Classroom objects
2 ¿Qué vamos a hacer?
Daily routines Refl exive verbs; Present progressive Pensar; Parts of the body; Telling time; Places in
school and around town
Puerto Rico
1 ¿Cómo me queda?
Clothes and shopping Present tense of irregular yo verbs;
Pronouns after prepositions
Gustar; Clothing; Expressions of frequency
2 ¿Filmamos en el
At the market Preterite of -ir stem-changing verbs;
Irregular preterite verbs
Family; Chores; Food
1 Una leyenda mexicana
Legends and stories The Imperfect tense; Preterite and
Expressions of frequency; Weather expressions;
Daily activities
2 México antiguo y
Past and present Preterite of -car, -gar, -zar verbs; More
verbs with irregular preterite stems
Daily activities; Arts and crafts
1 ¡Qué rico!
Preparing and describing food Usted/ustedes commands; Pronoun
placement with commands
Staying healthy; Chores
2 ¡Buen provecho!
Ordering meals in a restaurant Affi rmative and negative words; Double
object pronouns
Prepositions of location; Pronoun placement
with commands
Estados Unidos
1 ¡Luces, cámara, acción!
Making movies Affi rmative commands; Negative
Daily routines; Telling time
2 ¡Somos estrellas!
Invitations to a premiere Present subjunctive with ojalá; More
subjunctive verbs with ojalá
Spelling changes in the preterite; School
subjects; Vacation activities; Sports
República Dominicana
1 Nuestro periódico
The school newspaper Subjunctive with impersonal
expressions; Por and para
Present subjunctive; Events around town
2 Somos familia
Family and relationships Comparatives; Superlatives Clothing; Family; Classroom objects
1 El mundo de hoy
The environment and conservation Other impersonal expressions; Future
tense of regular verbs
Expressions of frequency; Vacation activities
2 En el futuro...
Careers and professions Future tense of irregular verbs Clothing; Telling time; Daily routine
Mis amigos y yo
¡A conocer nuevos lugares!
Unidad 1
¡Somos saludables!
Unidad 2
¡Vamos de compras!
Unidad 3
Cultura antigua, ciudad moderna
Unidad 4
¡A comer!
Unidad 5
¿Te gusta el cine?
Unidad 6
Soy periodista
Unidad 7
Nuestro futuro
Unidad 8
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© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Scope and Sequence
T12 Level 3 Scope and Sequence
Theme Vocabulary Grammar
Estados Unidos
Talking about yourself and your
friends; Saying what you know how to
do; Talking about people and places
you know; Describing your daily
routine; Making comparisons
Verbs like gustar; Present tense of
regular verbs; Present tense of irregular
verbs; Present tense of yo verbs; Stem-
changing verbs; The verbs decir, tener,
and venir; Saber or conocer; Ser or
estar; Refl exive verbs
1 Vamos a acampar
Camping; Nature Preterite tense of regular verbs;
Irregular preterites
Irregular present tense
2 Vamos a la playa
Family relationships; At the beach Imperfect tense; Preterite vs. imperfect Saber and conocer
Estados Unidos
1 ¡Todos para uno
y uno para todos!
Volunteer activities and projects commands; Other command forms Irregular preterite; Family relationships;
Describing a camping trip; Beach activities;
Ir a + infi nitive
2 ¿Cómo nos
Requests and recommendations; Media Pronouns with commands; Impersonal
expressions + infi nitive
Preterite vs. imperfect; Beach activities;
Volunteer activities
1 ¿Cómo será el futuro?
Environmental concerns Future tense; Por and para Ustedes commands; Ir a + infi nitive; Media
2 Por un futuro mejor
Social awareness; Presenting and
supporting opinions
Present subjunctive of regular verbs;
More subjunctive verb forms
Ustedes commands; Impersonal expressions;
Future tense
El Caribe
1 ¿Quién te inspira?
Describing others; Professions Future tense; Subjunctive with verbs of
infl uence
Ser vs. estar; Future tense
2 ¿Quiénes son los
Expressing positive and negative
emotions; More professions; Supporting
Subjunctive with doubt; Subjunctive
with emotion
Describing people; Superlatives; Family
relationships; -ísimo
Los países andinos
1 Comuniquémonos
entre naciones
Travel preparations; Computers;
Requirements and conditions
Subjunctive with conjunctions;
Subjunctive with the unknown
Commands with ; Professions vocabulary
2 Nuevos amigos,
nuevas oportunidades
Participating in a group discussion;
Leisure activities
Conditional tense; Reported speech Preterite; Computer vocabulary
1 La vida en la ciudad
Around the neighborhood;
An apartment in the city
Past participle as adjectives;
Present perfect tense
Preterite; Direct object pronouns
2 Fuera de la ciudad
Traveling by train; Describing a cultural
Past perfect tense; Future perfect tense Present perfect; commands; Places in the
neighborhood; Past participles as adjectives
Venezuela y Colombia
1 Recuerdos
Planning for the future; School activities
and events; Part-time jobs
Imperfect subjunctive; Subjunctive of
perfect tenses
Present perfect; Subjunctive with doubt;
Impersonal expressions
2 Nuevos principios
Pursuing a career Si clauses; Sequence of tenses Subjunctive with impersonal expressions;
Conditional future; Architectural structures
Cono Sur
1 Cuentos y poesía
Discussing and critiquing literature Past progressive; Conjunctions Preterite vs. imperfect; Professions
2 El drama
Reading and interpreting plays Se for unintentional occurrences;
Uses of the subjunctive
Si clauses; Literary vocabulary
Una vida ocupada
Nos divertimos al aire libre
Unidad 1
¡Es hora de ayudar!
Unidad 2
¡El futuro de nuestro planeta!
Unidad 3
Así quiero ser
Unidad 4
¿Cómo te entretienes?
Unidad 5
¿Dónde vivimos?
Unidad 6
Tu pasado y tu futuro
Unidad 7
Hablemos de literatura
Unidad 8
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© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Scope and Sequence
Level 4 Scope and Sequence T13
Vocabulary Grammar
1 En busca de trabajo
Job searches and different jobs Ser vs. estar; Direct and indirect object
Demonstrative adjectives; Preterite vs. imperfect
2 Comunicándose en el
Workplace communication
and tasks
Refl exive pronouns; Verbs with
Conditional; Preterite; Present perfect
1 Ejercicio al aire libre
Outdoor sports Preterite vs. imperfect; Verbs that
change meaning in the preterite
Adverbs; Refl exive pronouns
2 Diversión bajo techo
Indoor sports and games Comparatives; The gerund Ir a + infi nitive
1 ¿Adónde vamos de
Vacation plans and hotels Past participle; Present perfect and past
Preterite vs. imperfect; Preterite
2 Viajemos en avión
Airplane travel Future and conditional; Future and
conditional of probability
Ir a + infi nitive
1 Familia, sociedad y
problemas sociales
Family, society, and social
Present subjunctive in noun and
adjective clauses; Present subjunctive in
adverbial clauses
Verbs with prepositions; Present progressive;
2 Educación
universitaria y
College education and fi nances Present perfect subjunctive; Imperfect
Direct and indirect object pronouns
1 Arte a tu propio ritmo
Painting and music Future perfect and conditional perfect;
Relative pronouns
Present perfect
2 A crear con manos y
Sculpture and literature Passive voice, passive se and
impersonal se; Se for unintentional
Future tense; Imperfect
1 ¿Qué hay en la tele?
Television programming and
Imperfect subjunctive in adverbial
clauses; More uses of the imperfect
Comparatives; Preterite vs. imperfect
2 El mundo de las
News coverage, media, and
current events
Past perfect subjunctive; Sequence of
Past perfect indicative
La aventura de viajar
¿Cómo es nuestra sociedad?
¡Hablemos de arte!
Ver, divertirse e informarse
El mundo del trabajo
Unidad 3Unidad 4Unidad 5Unidad 6 Unidad 1Unidad 2
Ejercicio y diversión
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© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.