Model: MAH4000
Welcome .............. .......... .......... ................................. ....
Welcome and congratulations 2) IMPORTANT: Keep this guide and the sales receipt
on your purchase of a Maytag in a safe place for furore reference. Proof of origi-
Neptune '_' washer. Your corn- nal purchase date is needed for warranty service.
plete satisfaction is very impor- Please attach your sales receipt here.
rant to us.
Read this manual for best
results. It contains instructions
to acquaint you with proper
operating and maintenance pro-
In addition you will find a Laundering Tips guide
packed with your clothes washer. It contains information
on recommended laundering procedures, stain removal
and special laundering situations.
Save time and money. If something should
go wrong, we suggest consulting the
"Before You Call" section in the back of this
book. It is designed to help you solve basic
problems before consulting a servicer.
However, should you need assistance in the future, it is
helpful to:
1) Have complete model and serial number identifica-
tion of your washer. This is located on a data plate on the
center top edge of the control panel. Record these num-
bers below for easy access.
If you have questions, write us (include your model
Model Number number and phone number) or call:
.... Maytag Avpliances Sales Company
Attn: CAIRTM Center
Serial Number P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
1-888-462-9824 USA & CANADA
1-800-688-2080 USA TTY (for deaf, hearing
impaired or speech impaired)
0 0 _ i (Mon.-Fri., 8am-8pm Eastern Time)
For service and warranty information, see back page.
NOTE: In our co_naing effort toimprove the quality of
_-_ _ our appliances, it may be necessary to make changes to
the applianceWithoutreVisingthis guide.
Important Safety Instructions ....................................
_k WARNING -- To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, property damage or injury
to persons when using your appliance, follow basic precautions, including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using the appliance, been used for such a period, before using a wash-
2. As with any equipment using electricity and having ing machine or combination washer-dryer, turn
on all hot water faucets and let the water flow
moving parts, there are potential hazards. To use
this appliance safely, the operator should become from each for several minutes. This will release
familiar with the instructions for operation of the any accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is
appliance and always exercise care when using it. flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame
during this time.
3. Do not install or store this appliance where it will be
exposed to the weather. 7. Unplug power supply cord before attempting to ser-
vice your clothes washer.
4. Install and level the clothes washer on a floor that
can support the weight. 8. Do not reach into the appliance if the tumbler is
5. This appliance must be properly grounded. Never
plug the appliance cord into a receptacle which is 9. Do not allow children to play on or in the appliance.
not grounded adequately and in accordance with Close supervision of children is necessary when the
local and national codes. See installation instruc- appliance is used near children.
tions for grounding this appliance. 10. Do not tamper with controls.
6. To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion: 11. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or
a. Do not wash items that have been previously attempt any servicing unless specifically recom-
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with mended in published user-repair instructions that
gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, other flammable you understand and have the skills to carry out.
or explosive substances as they give off vapors 12. Store laundry aids and other material in a cool, dry
that could ignite or explode. Hand wash and line place where children cannot reach them.
dry any items containing these substances. 13. Do not wash or dry items that are soiled with veg-
Any material on which you have used a cleaning etable or cooking oil. These items may contain some
solvent, or which is saturated with flammable liq- oil after laundering. Due to the remaining oil, the
uids or solids, should not be placed in the clothes fabric may smoke or catch fire by itself.
washer until all traces of these liquids or solids 14. Do not use chlorine bleach and ammonia or acids
and their fumes have been removed. (such as vinegar or rust remover) in the same wash.
These items include acetone, denatured alcohol, Hazardous fumes can form.
gasoline, kerosene, some liquid household clean- 15. Do not machine wash fiberglass materials. Small
ers, some spot removers, turpentine, waxes and particles can stick to fabrics washed in following
wax removers, loads and cause skin irritation.
b. Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or 16. Before the appliance is removed from service or dis-
otl]er flammable or explosive substances to the carded, remove the door to the washing compart-
wash water. These substances give off vapors ment.
that could ignite or explode.
17. Do not sit on top of the clothes washer.
c. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
produced in a hot water system that has not been
used for 2 weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS
EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not
Save These Instructions
Controls At A Glance ..................... ............. ....... ..
For detaded mformat_on on sorting, pretreat_ng stains, etc., see the enclosed Laundermg Tips booklet.
Step Load the
Clothes Washer
The tub can be loaded completely full with dry To load a forgotten item immediately after the
unfolded clothes. However, do not pack the tub clothes washer has started, press the START/STOP
tightly, button. The door will remain unlocked for approxi-
mately 3 minutes into the start of the cycle. Add the
Overloading may reduce washing efficiency and pos-
sibly cause creasing or wrinkling of the load. item(s), close the door and press the START/STOP
button to resume the cycle.
When washing big bulky items or a couple of small
Once the door has locked, it is possible to load a
items that do not fill the tub completely, such as a rug
or two sweaters, a few towels should be added for forgotten item. Press the START/STOP button and
wait approximately 2 minutes for the "Door Locked"
improved tumbling and spin performance.
indicator to turn off. Open the door, add the item(s),
When washing heavily soiled loads, it is very impor- close the door and press the START/STOP button to
rant to avoid overloading the washer to assure good resume the cycle.
cleaning results.
Select Fabrics
Press the appropriate button for the type of load. This will determine the
tumble/pause pattern and spin speed for the cycle.
Towels Linens
Normal tumble pattern and high
Jeans Underwear
• • speed spin
• •" Sheets T-shirts
WHITES . ...........................
.......................... Dress shirts/pants
Reduced tumble pattern and spin
COLORS .... *°" Wrinkle Free clothing
Poly/cotton blend clothing speed to reduce wrinkling.
Dress skirts/blouses
DELICATES -,o,,,o Gentle tumble action and gentle
Nylons spin speed.
HAND Sheer or lacy garments
°°°o Hand-Washables Alternating periods of short and
long soak and gentle spin speed.
Step Select Wash Water Temperatures
Press the appropriate button to select the wash and rinse water temperatures Follow the
garment care label and chart below for best results.
HOT ,,,,"" Heavily soiled color-fast items
**• *o• o• iJ• oQ_ I,Q •• •Q oe •• •••
Color-fast items.When warm rinse is selected,only the third rinse
WARM will be warm. The first and second rinses will be cold to conserve
WARM "*''',, energy.
Ii II i II II I I _ I 1 I I I t I U I II I I Itit
!I_! I i i i ii iiiiiiiii i iiii I I I I i i II I u u i i i IIII 91111 II I I I I i i ii
COLD Wrinkle Free items
COLD ",, Color-fast items
°,, Brightly colored items
Washable woolens
IMPORTANT: The washer features an automatic temperature control to provide a warm wash of approxi-
mately 105 °F and coM wash of approximately 70°E
While the washer isfilling, you may notice hot and cold water going through the dispenser when cold or
warm wash temperatures are selected. This is a normal function of the automatic temperature control fea-
ture as the washer determines the temperature of the water.
Step U Select Options
Press the appropriate button(s) to select one or more options.
Use for jeans, towels, and bedding.
MAX Removes more water from loads during spin.
EXTRACT °" °" °" ° NOTE: Tominimize wrinkling of Wrinkle Freefabrics, using the
EXTRA Max Extract option with these loads is not recommended.
................... A fourth rinse at the end of the cycle to more completely remove
STAIN laundry additives and perfumes.
CYCLE ...................................................................................
Adds time to the wash and rinses for better stain removal.
Automatically provides a fourth rinse.
_ l iIII I 9 i IIII Iii i I_111 iii iIIII I I i iIIIIi i i iiIiII I I i i iIII I 9 i I iIiIIi i I I 9 iIIIi i i i i I I uIiI I
"'°', Cancels any or all previously selected options.
Step 0 Select the Signal
ON Press ON or OFF for the desired signal option. ON provides an audible signal upon th_
SIGNAL completion of a cycle. OFF provides no audible signal.
Rotate the control
dial clockwise to the
desired cycle.
Step 0 Select Cycle
REGULAR The cycles located within the "Regular" area of the dial are used with most loads.
Prewash 69 minutes Use for heavily soiled loads. Use 17:times the usual amount of detergent
because the washer drains and refills with fresh water.
•. •• ..•. ** ,•, poet• poop• •pill• ••o, olo*eloo•• oo o••••• *** ••***i *o el*•• *t6*o* poe
Use with STAIN CYCLE option button for heavily soiled, stained loads,
Stains 59 minutes NOTE: The STAINS and HEAVY settings are not recommended for use with
Delicate or Hand-Washable loads.
Heavy 56 minutes Use for cleaning heavily soiled loads.
Normal 39 minutes Use for cleaning moderately soiled loads.
Light 33 minutes Use for cleaning lightly soiled loads.
QUICK cycle setting on the left side of the control offers the opportunity to easi-
QUICK 33 minutes ly set the washer for a quick cycle time for lightly soiled loads.
NORMAL 39 minutes NORMAL cycle setting on the left side of the control provides a NORMAL
cycle when setting the washer for a delay start.
Allows the start of the NORMAL cycle to be delayed for up to 8 hours. Set th
DELAY control dial on the desired number of delay hours, press the START/STOP but
2 - 8 hours
HOURS ton. NOTE: If the washer door is opened during the delay time, press th
STARTSTOP button again.
Step 0 Start Your Maytag Neptune TM Washer
Close the door.
Add detergent and additives to the dispenser (See page 6).
Push the START/STOP button.
Indicator Lights o LOCKED
DOOR LOCKED - Lights whenever the door of the clothes
washer is locked. The door can be unlocked by pressing the
START/STOP button to stop the clothes washer. It may take
approximately 2 minutes for the door to be unlocked. O ON
ON - Indicates when the clothes washer is operating.
DELAY - Indicates the washer is counting down the time until
it begins to wash. O DELAY
Water Use .............................................................
The amount of water used will vary with each load. The efficient cleaning performance and conservation of
Maytag Neptune" clothes washer uses an adaptive fill water and energy.
valve to provide the appropriate amount of water for
Features.... ...... .................... ....... ...........................
Detergent Detergent Compartment
Your Maytag Neptune'" washer is _ 1. Pour laundry detergent directly into the detergent
designed to use either high efficiency _ compartment before starting the clothes washer.
(HE) detergents or regular detergents 2. If color-safe bleach is to be used, it should be added
normally used with top-loading washers, with detergent to the detergent compartment for best
For best cleaning results, use a high efficiency deter- results.
gent such as Tide HE or Wisk HE*. High efficiency When adding color-safe bleach with detergent, it is
detergents contain suds suppressors which reduce or
best Jf both laundry products are in the same form;
eliminate suds. When less suds are produced, the load
granular or liquid.
tumbles more efficiently and cleaning results are
When using regular detergent formulated for top-
loading washers, it is important to pay close attention
to the soil level of the load load size and water hard-
ness**. To avoid over-sudsing, reduce the amount of
detergent used with soil water or with small or light-
ly soiled loads.
If using the "PREWaSH" setting, measure I ½
times the amount of detergent.
Brand names are trademarks of the respective manut_.tCttlre[%.
• * To determine water hardness in your area, contact your local
water utility or State University Extension office in your area.
Automatic Dispenser
The automatic dispenser consists of three compartments
which hold 1) liquid or granular detergent and color safe
bleach, 2) liquid chlorine bleach and 3) liquid fabric
softener. All laundry products can be added at once in
their respective dispenser compartments. They will be
dispensed at the appropriate time for most effective
After loading the laundry additives into the dispenser
close the dispenser lid.
Bleach Compartment Softener Compartment
(Chlorine Bleach Only) 1. Pour the recommended amount of liquid fabric soft-
1. Add chlorine bleach to the bleach compartment. DO ener into the softener compartment. For smaller loads
NOT exceed the MAX FILL line. The chlorine use less than one cap full.
bleach compartment will hold 3/4 of a cup. 2. Fabric softener may be diluted with warm water until
2. Avoid splashing or over-filling the compartment, it reaches the MAX FILL line on the compartment.
Over-filling the compartment will release the chlo- Do not dilute the liquid fabric softener eompart-
rine bleach into the clothes washer too early, merit above the MAX FILL line. If the compart-
ment is filled above the MAX FILL line, fabric
3. The washer automatically dispenses bleach into the
softener will enter the clothes washer too early,
tub when there are approximately two minutes
left in the wash portion of the cycle. This maximizes 3. This compartment automatically dilutes and releases
the effectiveness of the bleach, liquid fabric softener at the proper time during the
rinse cycle.
4. The dispenser automatically dilutes liquid chlorine
bleach before it reaches the wash load. NOTE:
* Use the softener compartment only for liquid fabric
NOTE: softeners.
Never pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach direct- Using the Downy Ball* is not recommended with
ly onto the load or into the tub. It is a powerful this washer. It will not add fabric softener at the
chemical and can cause fabric damage, such as
appropriate time. Use the dispenser on top of the
weakening of the fibers or color loss, if not used washer.
If you prefer to use color-safe, non-chlorine bleach,
add it to the detergent compartment. Do not pour
color-safe bleach into the bleach compartment.
* Bland names are trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
Care and Cleaning ...............................................
Turn off the water faucets after finishing the day's CIean the following as recommended:
washing. This will shut off the water supply to the clothes Control Panel - clean with a soft, damp cloth and glass
washer and prevent the unlikely possibility of damage cleaner. Do not use abrasive powders or cleaning pads.
from escaping water.
Cabinet - clean with soap and water.
Use a soft cloth to wipe up all detergent, bleach or other
spills as they occur. Interior - hard water deposits may be removed, if
needed, using a recommended cleaner labeled clothes
washer safe.
Cleaning the Dispenser
The dispenser may need to be cleaned periodically due bleach and softener. Run warm water and a soft brush or
to laundry additive build-up. For easy clean-up of the cloth over the two parts to remove any excess laundry
dispenser, grasp the removable two-compartment con- additives.
tainer (for bleach and softener) as shown in illustration Clean the main dispenser area using water and a soft
#1. As you begin to lift the two-compartment container, cloth. Once the main dispenser is clean, follow the illus-
tilt slightly inward, according to illustration #2 and
trations in reverse order to replace the two compartment
remove from the main dispenser, container to its original location.
Once the two-compartment container is removed from
the main dispenser, take it to a sink. Follow illustration
#3 to remove the cap covering the siphon tube for the
NOTE: Do not use any cleaning substance but water in the main dispenser because it is possible for cleaning
substances to drain into the tub. lf this should happen, set the washer for a rinse and spin cycle to remove any
cleaning substance from the washer before doing a load of laundry.
#1 #2 #3
Storing the Clothes Washer .............................. .
Washers can be damaged if water is not removed from Turn the water faucets off and disconnect the inlet
hoses and internal components before storage. Prepare hoses.
the washer for storage as follows:
Advance the cycle control knob to Spin and lower
Select the "NORMAL" setting on the REGULAR the drain hose to eliminate any water that may be in
cycle of the clothes washer and add one cup of bleach the drain hose.
to the detergent dispenser without clothes in the tum-
bler. Run the clothes washer through a complete Disconnect the clothes washer from the electrical
cycle, supply and leave the washer door open to let air cir-
culate inside the tumbler.
For information on long-term storage or storage of your washer during extreme cold temperatures, call Maytag
Customer Service toll-free at 1-888-462-9824.
U.S. customers using TTY for deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired, call 1-800-688-2080.
Replacing Interior Light .....................................
Instructions for replacing the bulb:
1) Unplug or disconnect the clothes washer from the electrical power supply.
2) Open the door and use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw attaching the light
cover to the door lock assembly.
3) Pull down on the light cover.
4) Unscrew the light bulb counter clockwise from the socket.
5) Replace the bulb with a 10 watt candelabra base light bulb and rotate clockwise.
6) Replace the light cover by inserting the front tabs into the door lock assembly. Push
the rear of the light cover into position.
7) Replace the screw into the light cover/door lock assembly.
8) Plug in or reconnect clothes washer to the power supply.
Reversing the Clothes Washer
Clothes washer door swing direction can be changed using the following procedure:
1)Swing door fully open and support it while removing four hinge screws (which hold hinges to door assembly).
2) Set door aside and transfer four color matched door screws to the opposite side of the door assembly.
3) Remove one screw holding top hinge to cabinet and one screw holding top hinge cover to cabinet (opposite side).
4) Remove hinge and bracket from cabinet by moving them up and down to a position where they are released.
5) Install hinge and bracket in swapped locations and drive screws to attach them securely to the cabinet.
6) Compare top hinge and top bracket to bottom hinge and bottom bracket for correct assembly position.
7) Repeat procedures 4 through 6 for bottom hinge to Coun*orSunkS.... -
cabinet and bottom bracket to cabinet. ::::::::::::::::::::::......... _ '__[
8) Support door in fully open position on hinge (i---@iil;:::::_:_:::::::.,iif-"_!
side and drive four screws to securely attach " -_ _ _'°e_s
hinges to door assembly, i i ' _ Hinge
9) Close door and check to see that clothes wash /
er operates properly. .- sDcOr_rws
Before You Call ........................................... ....... .
For problem laundry solutions (i.e. fabric damage, residue, tangling) and special laundry care proce-
dures, see the enclosed Laundering Tips booklet.
Check these points if your Maytag Neptune TM washer...
Use Max Extract option.
Load Is Too Wet at Try using a high efficiency detergent to reduce sudsing.
End of Cycle Load is too small. Very small loads (one or two items) may not
spin out completely.
....o**.........**** ........ ,**o.........ool***....... e*oo* ***.......I * ***....... o*......... ***... ,.... ****-... ,-*
Door firmly closed.
Make sure hose connections are tight.
Leaks Water Make sure end of drain hose is correctly inserted and secured to drain facility.
Avoid overloading.
Use high efficiency detergent to prevent over-sudsing.
Check fuse or reset circuit breaker.
Straighten drain hoses. Eliminate kinked hoses. If there is a drain restriction, call for
Won't Spin or Close the door and push the START/STOP button. For your safety, washer will not
Drain tumble or spin unless the door is closed.
After pressing the START/STOP button, it may take a few moments before the clothes
washer begins to spin. The door must lock before spin can be achieved.
See "Tub is Completely Full of Suds" below.
Plug cord into live electrical outlet.
Check fuse or reset circuit breaker.
Turn the control dial to proper cycle and push the START/STOP button to
start the clothes washer. If equipped with buttons, be sure they are fully depressed.
Stops Close door and push the START/STOP button to start the clothes washer. For your
safety, washer will not tumble or spin unless door is closed.
This may be a pause or soak period in the cycle. Wait briefly and it may start.
Check screens on inlet hoses for obstructions. Clean screens periodically.
o...,.*o*.*.....Qoo*....... D**o.---.--- .---.---•*''''''''''*''''''''''**'''''''''**''''''''" •*''''''''**''''''" ***'''''''** "
Tub is Run the clothes washer through another complete cycle using cold water.
Completely Reduce detergent amount for that specific load size, soil level and water hardness.
Full of Suds Use high efficiency or low sudsing detergent specially formulated for front load washers.
....o***......oo• i......•oo4 ......o•**o........o........ Io.ol......ooel......oooo...... •*.o......***.---...o**-..---. **'''''" *
Turn both faucets on fully.
Check that the temperature selector button is fully depressed.
Make sure temperature selection is correct.
Make sure hoses are connected to correct faucets and inlet connections. Flush water
line before filling washer.
Fills with Check the water heater. It should be set to deliver a minimum 120°F (49°C) hot water
the Wrong at the tap. Also check water heater capacity and recovery rate.
Temperature Disconnect hoses and clean screens. Hose filter screens may be plugged.
Water When warm rinse is selected, only the final rinse will be warm. The first two
rinses will be cold.
While the washer is filling for cold or warm wash temperatures, both hot and cold
water will go through the dispenser as the automatic temperature control feature checks
incoming water temperatures. This is normal.
..*•.......**o......*..**..., ._**-...-_*o._.-_-_**o._..-_-_**._._-**o._._--_oo.._-_-_oo._.-_*o_.----_*..-
Check these points if your Maytag Neptune TM washer...
Cycle Selector Extra rinse option is selected.
Knob Advances Washer will automatically provide an extra rinse when STAINS cycle and the
Through "OFF" STAIN CYCLE option button are selected.
Be sure the door is tightly closed.
Plug cord into a live electrical outlet.
Check fuse or reset circuit breaker.
Turn the control dial to the proper cycle and push the START/STOP button.
If equipped with buttons, be sure they are fully depressed.
Won't Fill Make sure the control dial is set on a cycle starting point. Advance the dial slightly.
Turn both faucets on fully.
Straighten inlet hoses.
Disconnect hoses and clean screens. Hose filter screens may be plugged.
Open and close the door, then push the START/STOP button.
Check fuse or reset circuit breaker.
Turn the control dial to proper cycle and push the START/STOP button.
Won't Tumble If equipped with buttons, be sure they are fully depressed.
Close the door and push the START/STOP button. For your safety, the clothes washer
will not tumble or spin unless the door is closed.
Press the START/STOP button to stop the machine.
Door Locked Shut; It may take 1 1/2 to 2 minutes for the door lock mechanism to disengage.
Will Not Open When "Door Locked" light goes out, pull on the door indentation opposite the hinges.
Open the door and wash the lower portion of the gray door seal with a solution of I cup
chlorine bleach to 2 cups water.
Select the following control panel setting: WHITES, Hot/Cold, Regular/Heavy cycle.
Freshening Fill the bleach dispenser cup with liquid chlorine bleach and start the washer.
Your Washer Pour an additional 1/2 cup bleach into the detergent dispenser as the washer is filling.
Allow the washer to complete the cycle.
At the end of the cycle, open the door and dry the gray door seal.
Clothes washer should be leveled properly as outlined in installation instructions.
Check the leveling leg lock nuts are tightened.
Is Noisy Be sure rubber feet are installed on leveling legs.
Weak floors can cause vibration and walking.
For information on normal operating sounds, see page 12.
Operating Sounds ........................................ ........
Normal operating sounds of your Maytag Neptune TM clothes washer
"Humming" sound during pre- The internal pump will intermittently turn on and off.
wash, wash and rinse
High pitch sound during a spin The motor increases speed to spin the tub to remove mois-
cycle, ture from the load.
Flushing water sound coming Detergent is dispensed at the start of the cycle. Bleach is dis-
from the dispenser area. pensed during final minutes of wash. Fabric softener is dis-
pensed during the third rinse while the washer is filling.
Sloshing or gurgling water The sealed balance ring around the tub contains a liquid and
sound when washer is off and the is designed to make the washer run smoothly.
tub is rotated.
"Whirring" or "Sloshing" The tub rotates one direction followed by a pause. The tub
reverses direction and pauses. This action continues
sound followed by a pause,
repeatedthroughout the wash cycle, throughout the cycle.
Clothes washer maintains a
slightly reduced spin speed After reaching the maximum spin speed, the machine may
reduce spin speed slightly to create less noise and vibration.
after achievinga higherspin speed.
The spin speed slows down The tumbler will begin to accelerate to speed, then slows
dramatically when it sounds like back down to redistribute the load more evenly when an
an out-of-balance load. unbalanced load occurs.
The Maytag NeptuneTM clothes washer uses a true adaptive
fill and adds more water during the wash cycle as it is need-
Water is added after the ed.
washer has been tumbling OR
for a while. Water flows through the dispenser to dilute and add bleach or
fabric softener at the appropriate time. This will occur even if
bleach and fabric softener are not used.
Questions & Answers ........................................
Q. What'sthebestcycleto useif I havestainsonmylaundry?
A. Select the STAIN CYCLE option button and set the control dial on the STAINS setting. Pretreat the stains
with a laundry pre-treat product. Refer to the enclosed Laundering Tips booklet for more information on
treating specific stains.
Q. Howlargeofa loadcan Iwashin myMaytagNeptuneTM washer?
A. The tub can be loaded completely full with dry, unfolded clothes. However, do not pack the tub tightly.
If the load is heavily soiled it is very important not to overload the washer.
Q. At the endof the cycle myload comesoutwetter than normal.
A. During tumble and spin the washer may have had difficulty getting to a full spin speed because the load
was not evenly distributed. This can occur with small loads, heavy items or a load in which too much
detergent was used, causing over-sudsing.
Q. Mylaundryitemsseemtobeverywrinkledattheendofthecycle.WhatcanI dotocorrecttheproblem?
A. Wrinkling is caused by the combination of heat and pressure. Be sure wrinkle free or permanent press
fabrics are washed on the COLORS or DELICATES cycle, and a cold rinse is used. (See pg. 3 for
Q. Mywhitesarenotaswhite asI'd like.What canI do?
A. Wash white loads using the WHITES fabric selection. Select the hot wash/cold rinse temperature setting
and put 3/4 cup of chlorine bleach in the bleach dispenser. The bleach will be dispensed in the final min-
utes of the wash providing for optimal whitening. Maytag recommends a hot water wash temperature of
120-140°F (49°-60° C).
: !
Maytag ®Neptune TM Washer Warranty ................
Full One Year Warranty
For one (1) year from the date of original retail purchase, any part which fails in normal home use will be repaired
or replaced free of charge.
Limited Warranty
After the first year from date of original retail purchase, through the time periods listed below, the parts designated
below which fail in normal home use will be repaired or replaced free of charge for the part itself, with the owner
paying all uther costs, including labor, mileage and transportation.
Second Year - All parts.
Third through Tenth - The drive motor.
Third through Lifetime - Stainless steel inner wash basket.
Additional Limited Warranty Against Rust-Through
Should an exterior cabinet, including the top and baseframe, rust through during the one year period starting from the
date of retail purchase, repair or replacement will be made tree of charge. After the first, and through the tenth year,
repair or replacement will be made free of charge for the part itself, with the owner paying all other costs, including
labor, mileage and transportation.
Please Note: This full warranty and the limited warranty apply when the washer is located in the United States or
Canada. Washers located elsewhere are covered by the limited warranty only, including parts which fail during the
first two years.
The specific warranties expressed above are the ONLY warranties provided by the manufacturer. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
To Receive Warranty Service
To locate an authorized service compan_ in your area contact the Maytag dealer from whom your appliance was purchased; or call Maytag
Appliances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistance at the number listed below. Should you not receive satisfactory warranty service,
please call or write:
Maytag Appliances Sales Company
Attn: CAIR TM Center
RO. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
U.S. or Canada (toll-free) 1-888-462-9824
U.S. customers using TTY for deaf. hearing impaired or speech impaired, call 1-800-688-2080.
When contacting Maytag Appliances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistance about a service problem, please include the following:
(a) Your name, address and telephone number;
(b) Model number and serial number (found on the back center of the control panel) of your appliance;
(c) Name and address of your dealer and the date tile appliance was purchased;
(d) A clear description of the problem you are having.
(e) Proof of purchase.
What is not covered by these warranties:
1.Conditions and damages resulting from any of the following: 4. Products purchased lot cmnmercial or industrial use.
a. Improper installation, delivery, or maintenance. 5. The cost of service or service call to:
b. Any repair, modification, alteration or adjustment not autho- a. Correct installation errors.
rized by the manufacturer or an authorized servicet: b. Instruct the user on proper use of the product.
c. Misuse. abuse, accidents, or unreasonable use. c. Transport the appliance to the servicer.
d. Incorrect electric current, voltage or supply.
6. Consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person as a
e. Improper setting of any control, result of any breach of these warranties.
2. Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been
removed, altered, or cannot be readily determined. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential
or incidental damages, so the above exclusion may not apply.
3. Light bulb
User's Guides, service manuals and parts catalogs are available from
Maytag Appliances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistance.
MAYTAG One Dependability Square Newton, Iowa 50208
FormNo. 553CMC PartNo. 62712300 , _ , s , , JN LithoU.S.A.