Summit on
June 4-5, 1998
Washington, DC
Final Report on ...
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Summit on
June 4-5, 1998
Washington, DC
September 3, 1998
To: President Clinton, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Majority and
Minority Leaders of the Senate, and Chief Executive Officers of the States:
It is my pleasure to submit this report on the 1998 National Summit on Retirement Savings.
The Summit, held June 4-5, 1998, in Washington, DC, brought together leaders from both political parties, large
corporations and small businesses, labor organizations, and numerous groups involved with employee benefits,
personal finance and retirement issues. In accordance with the Savings Are Vital to Everyone’s Retirement Act of
1997 (P.L. 105-92), their mission was to determine how best to raise awareness of the need for pension and
individual savings so that working Americans and their families may enjoy a secure and comfortable retirement.
The Summit was historic in many ways. First, it was a truly bi-partisan effort to draw national attention to the need
to build a secure financial foundation for our country’s retirees. This was made abundantly clear during a keynote
session attended by President Clinton, Vice President Gore, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senate Majority Leader
Trent Lott, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt and other Members of Congress. As Rep. Harris Fawell (R-
IL), the principal author of the SAVER Act, put it: “We were attacking problems not as Republicans or Democrats,
but to say ‘What can I do to help?”’
Over the course of the Summit, delegates identified a number of barriers that individuals and employers face in
saving for retirement. At the same time, delegates identified numerous meaningful steps that the government,
employers, the media, community organizations, schools, and others can and should take to build a secure retirement
for our nation’s workers. As reflected in this report, while there was extraordinary diversity in views on both the
barriers to retirement security and the ways to address the problem, delegates repeatedly returned to the theme that
retirement education will be a crucial element in any strategy to increase savings.
The gathering also represented a unique public-private sector partnership of leading organizations with specialized
expertise in retirement savings and a commitment to spreading an educational message about the need to prepare for
retirement. I believe that the success of the 1998 Summit was, in many ways, attributable to the collective
experience of our many private sector partners. In this regard, I would like to specifically thank the American
Savings Education Council, the Employee Benefit Research Institute, and the American Society of Pension
Actuaries and for their outstanding efforts in making the 1998 Summit a success.
Through the hard work of all Summit delegates and organizers, we have done much to move the issue of retirement
security to the forefront of the national agenda. Now the challenge for all of us is to spread the savings message, and
to share winning strategies that will inspire, convince and equip companies, organizations, communities and
individuals to take immediate action. As President Clinton said at the Summit, “This is a wonderful moment, but it is
a moment of responsibility that we dare not squander.” As provided in the SAVER Act, future Summits in 2001 and
2005 will measure our nation’s progress.
My sincere hope is that this report will serve as a catalyst to increase pension and individual savings so that all
working Americans and their families, regardless of age, nationality, or income level, can look forward to a truly
secure and dignified retirement.
Alexis M. Herman
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 1
II. The Current State of Retirement Saving and Education Today 3
III. Models for Educating the Public about Retirement Saving 8
IV. Break-Out Facilitators Reports: Barriers and Opportunities 13
Appendix 1: The Summit Agenda 33
Appendix 2: List of Appointed and Statutory Delegates 35
Appendix 3: Break-out Groups’ Full Listing of Barriers and Opportunities 47
I. Introduction
Americans must save more today if they are to realize the dream of a financially secure retirement
That is the message of the first National Summit on Retirement Savings, held in Washington June 4–5,
1998. Convened jointly by President Bill Clinton and the bipartisan leadership of Congress in accordance
with the Savings Are Vital to Everyone’s Retirement Act of 1997 (SAVER) (PL 105-92), the Summit under-
scored the need to fortify the American system of employer-sponsored pensions, to extend pension coverage
to underserved groups—especially women, minorities and employees of small businesses—and to encourage
individuals to save more themselves.
Virtually every institution and individual in America can contribute to achieving these goals. “Each of us
has a role to play in meeting this great challenge,” said Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. “Government can
take steps to encourage savings, as we are doing. Businesses can offer sound retirement plans for their
employees, and convey the importance of saving. And each of us as individuals can take steps to make the
most of the opportunities that make it easier to save.”
This report details many possible steps toward achieving the goal of a financially secure retirement for all
Americans. Not all of the delegates agreed on what steps to take. In fact, many proposals were controver-
sial. But of all the possibilities that were discussed, one theme stood out: We must do a better job of educat-
ing the public—employers and individuals alike—about the importance of saving and about the tools
available to ensure that we can afford to retire and remain financially independent. Too many individuals
and employers are simply unaware of the basic facts of life concerning retirement.
To increase public awareness about the retirement savings issue, the following were among the ideas
Enhancing the federal government’s educational efforts through programs such as the Department of
Labor’s Retirement Savings Education Campaign, which seeks to inform Americans about pension and
retirement issues, and other initiatives called for by the SAVER Act;
Encouraging states to launch their own retirement-savings initiatives;
Urging the media in all areas of the nation to assume a more active role in informing the public about
retirement savings;
Calling on the private sector to support public-education campaigns, and;
Urging employers to sponsor retirement plans and educate employees about the importance of retire-
ment saving.
These steps clearly represent a beginning and not an end. Delegates presented a wide range of approaches
to address retirement savings, including: (1) the need for legislative changes to encourage the creation of
employer-sponsored retirement plans; (2) the need to make pensions more portable and to place additional
focus on retirement savings for part-time and low-income workers, and (3) the need for a decrease in
income and payroll taxes or a significant increase in tax incentives to encourage greater savings. Some
possible strategies undoubtedly will prove controversial, and may conflict with other objectives. But the
Summit demonstrated that Americans believe the underlying goal—a secure retirement for all Americans—
transcends partisan politics. “Americans should be able to count on predictable and secure retirement
benefits for life,” said Vice President Al Gore. “We must ensure that dreams deferred never become dreams
“This is something you won’t see very often,” noted Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. “Here we are all
together—the legislative branch, executive branch, Republicans, Democrats, maybe even liberals, conserva-
tives, moderates and everything in between. This can be, may be, should be the beginning of doing some-
thing very important for this country.” As House Speaker Newt Gingrich stressed, “You know, having us up
here together is more than just symbolic. When we work together, good things happen.”
The stakes are high. The future of millions of working Americans—and their children—may be shaped in
important ways by what flows from the Summit and follow-up gatherings scheduled for 2001 and 2005. But
the time to start is now.
As President Clinton said, “We have an obligation to deal with this challenge, and deal with it now. And we
have an opportunity to do so.”
II. Current State of Retirement Savings and Education Today
The Summit rose out of concern over a simple but far-reaching fact: many Americans are not planning or
saving enough to be able to afford to retire.
The Challenge
Delegates, who received a background report summarizing 20 years of research on retirement finance,
reviewed the current state of saving during an opening plenary meeting. A presentation by the American
Savings Education Council Chairman and delegate Dallas Salisbury set the context for their deliberations.
Chart 1 from the report and Salisbury’s presentation shows that employment-based pensions and personal
savings currently account for a small share of retirement income received by the majority of Americans.
Indeed, 80% of elderly Americans rely on Social Security for most of their retirement income, and the
lowest-income 40% of Americans depend on it almost exclusively. (In accordance with the SAVER Act,
Social Security reform was not a topic for the Summit, which focused on private pensions and individual
Despite these figures, Social Security was never intended to serve as the sole source of income for retirees.
A person who earned $15,000 a year and retires in 1998 at age 65, for instance, can expect Social Security
to replace just one-half of his or her preretirement income. And the “replacement rate” drops steadily for
individuals in higher income brackets: an individual who earned $68,400 before retirement, for instance,
will receive the maximum $1,248 monthly benefit, but that will equal less than one-quarter of his or her
preretirement income.
Inadequate pension and personal savings may explain why many Americans look to retirement with consid-
erable uncertainty. “Savings, retirement and retirement security are some of the most important features of
life in America over a very long period of time,” stated Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo). “All of us know that
there cannot be safe and secure retirement unless there is the ability to put away funds to save money
while one is working.”
Chart 1
Income of Elderly Individuals (Ages 65 and Older) from Specified Sources,
by Income Quintile, 1996
Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute tabulations of the March 1996 Current Population Survey.
Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance.
($6,031 or lower)
($22,254 or more)
Pensions and Annuities
Income from Assets
Reporting on the 1998 Retirement Confidence Survey, Mathew Greenwald, president of Mathew Greenwald
& Associates, told Summit delegates that 31% of current workers are “clearly worried” about their financial
prospects in retirement. Another 44% are only “somewhat confident.” That means they believe they will
have sufficient income if inflation remains subdued and they remain healthy—assumptions that will prove
unrealistic for many Americans, according to Greenwald. He noted, for instance, 40% of current retirees
had to leave work earlier than they had planned, many for health reasons. That leaves only about one in
four Americans who are very confident they will have enough money to live comfortably when they retire.
The Need for Education
While the large number of people who face retirement with trepidation is cause for concern, it is equally
troubling that individuals’ assessments are almost certainly uninformed. Greenwald noted that half of all
current workers have never tried to figure out what they will need when they retire. And, he added, previ-
ous studies suggest that half of those who try to make such calculations do not succeed in coming up with a
Moreover, Greenwald added, many people underestimate their life expectancy, which for today’s retirees
easily can stretch 30 or more years beyond the traditional retirement age of 65. He also said relatively few
people know the cost of long-term care, and therefore underestimate their retirement income needs.
In many cases, employers are as uninformed as employees, judging from the Small Employer Retirement
Survey conducted by Greenwald with the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the American
Savings Education Council (ASEC). Of the 35 million people employed in small companies, 26 million do not
have access to retirement plans at work. “Small businesses that do not offer plans exhibit real misunder-
standing of what is required,” Greenwald said. “Many think plans are more expensive than they have to be.
They do not understand they can set up a plan for less than $2,000, that they aren’t required to match
employee contributions or that they can share administrative costs with employees.”
Despite the clear importance of saving to ensure a retirement income beyond what Social Security will
provide, one worker in three is not setting aside any money personally for retirement, according to the
Retirement Confidence Survey. The personal savings rate is at or near a post-World War II low. (See Chart
2) Only 10% of eligible taxpayers are making tax-deductible contributions to individual retirement accounts
(IRAs). And just 40% of the individual distributions of pension funds made to job changers were rolled over
into tax-deferred retirement accounts, suggesting that many workers are not holding on to their retirement
savings but rather are spending them for other, short-term purposes. (See Chart 3)
Most nonsavers say they have too many other financial responsibilities, but in many cases that is a myth,
he added. Over half of individuals polled in the Retirement Confidence Survey said they could afford to save
$20 more per week.
Consider this: if a worker starts saving $20 a week at age 30 and earns 10% on his or her investment, that
would add up to a retirement nest egg worth $310,000 by age 65.
The Role of Employers and Unions
While suggesting that individuals need to save for their own retirement, Summit participants stressed that
employers must continue to play a central role as well.
Flow of Funds
Accounts Data
National Income
and Products
Accounts Data
1946 1950 1960 19651955 198019751970 199519901985 1997
Chart 2
Personal Savings as a Percentage of Disposable Personal Income
Source: table F.9 Derivations of Measures of Personal Savings.
Flow of Funds
Accouts Data
National Income
and Products
Accouts Data
Percentage of Distributions
Chart 3
Benefit Preservation among Job
Changers, by Percentage of
Distributions, 1993 versus 1996
Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute and Hewitt
Associates tabulations of Hewitt Associates data.
Rolled Over to Individual
Retirement Account
Rolled Over to
Qualified Plan
Took as Cash
Josephine Tsao, vice president for global benefits
and compensation for IBM Corporation, said
that role is changing though. In today’s complex
and highly competitive global marketplace,
“employer paternalism and altruism can no
longer be the sole foundation for employer-
sponsored retirement savings programs,” she
Instead, she described the retirement system of
the future as a partnership between employees,
employers and government. Employees must
assume more responsibility, she said. Employers
must serve not simply as providers of benefits,
but as “contributors to and facilitators of
individual savings efforts. And government must
provide both a foundation through Social Secu-
rity and a “stable framework” of rules that allow
employers to adjust their retirement plans to
meet competitive demands and employee needs.
This new partnership can work, Tsao argued. Fully 90% of IBM’s U.S. workforce voluntarily participates in
the company’s 401(k) retirement saving plan. Some 60% of their assets are invested in equities,
demonstrating that they understand issues such as long-term investment strategy. What’s more, 25,000
IBM employees have worked with outside experts to prepare individual financial plans, and 40,000 are
managing their own retirement accounts using the World Wide Web.
Table 1
Retirement Plan Sponsorship and
Participation Among Private Wage and Salary
Workers Ages 16 and Older by Firm Size
Firm Size
Total number
of workers
Total 88,679,369 55.6% 40.7%
Fewer than 25 22,894,696 17.2 12.9
25–99 11,806,119 41.7 29.6
100 or more 46,986,404 79.4 58.9
Unknown 6,992,150 45.2 28.1
Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) tabulations of the 1993 Current
Population Survey employee benefits supplement.
“Flexibility, choice and control” are the watchwords for a successful employment-based retirement-savings
system today, Tsao suggested. And she concluded: “Together, we must educate our workforce, because
otherwise we will have a workforce that is ill-prepared for retirement and that will be dependent on social
programs. Both of these will hamper the competitiveness of our nation in the future.”
James Ray of Connerton Ray noted the role of unions and collective bargaining in expanding pension
coverage particularly for low and moderate wage workers, as well as providing education about retirement
needs. Emphasizing the need for continuity, Ray argued that traditional defined benefit pension plans, in
which employers guarantee retirement benefits based on salary and years on the job, should be the main-
stay of the retirement system. These plans best shield workers from risk, and unlike defined contribution
plans, enable plan sponsors to provide pension benefits based on years of service, can be used to mitigate
the effects of corporate down-sizing, and allow for post-retirement benefit increases, he argued.
But Ray also acknowledged the virtues of defined contribution plans, particularly as supplemental plans for
those workers who can afford to save. A combination of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans
would represent the “best of both worlds”—a “sound foundation,” guaranteed lifetime income and worker
control, he concluded.
Problem Areas
While saving for retirement is inadequate among all segments of the population, delegates focused espe-
cially on several groups that are particularly at risk, including:
Small Businesses. According to Summit background materials, 79% of all private wage and salary work-
ers whose employers have 100 or more workers have access to pension plans at work, compared to 42% of
workers in companies employing between 25 and 99 workers and 17% of workers whose employers have
fewer than 25 workers. (See Table 1)
Craig Hoffman, vice president and general counsel for Corbel & Co., said there are two basic reasons many
small businesses do not offer pension plans. First, many employees do not demand pension plans, at least
compared to cash compensation or health benefits. In addition, many employers worry about the cost of
employer contributions and the expense of administering pension plans.
Table 2
Mean Value of Pension Wealth for
Selected Wealth Deciles, 1992
1 $1,356 $42,312
3 $19,181 $93,920
7 $125,635 $142,981
10 $389,865 $161,605
Source: Moore and Mitchell, 1998.
Note: In this table, wealth is the present value of all
defined benefit and defined contribution pension
Table 3
Pension Participation Rates for Wage
and Salary Workers, 1993
All Workers
Total Men Women
Total 49% 51% 46%
Hispanic 32 32 33
African-American 46 46 47
White 51 55 47
Asian-American 41 41 41
Private-Sector Workers
Total 43 46 39
Hispanic 26 24 28
African-American 38 40 36
White 46 50 41
Asian-American 35 36 36
Public-Sector Workers
Total 71 80 74
Hispanic 72 82 74
African-American 71 65 76
White 78 84 74
Asian-American 70 67 68
Source: U.S. Department of Labor tabulations of the 1993
Current Population Survey.
Low-income workers. Dallas Salisbury, president
of the Employee Benefit Research Institute and
chairman of the American Savings Education Coun-
cil, noted that the nation faces “tremendous chal-
lenges” in helping low-income families accumulate
what they will need to retire.
According to figures in slides presented by Salisbury,
the 10% of families with the lowest income in the
U.S. have pension wealth worth, on average, $1,356,
and the present value of their Social Security ben-
efits is $42,312. In comparison, the wealthiest 10% hold pension assets worth an average of $389,865, and
the present value of their Social Security entitlements is $161,605. (See Table 2)
Women and Minorities. Ann Combs of William M. Mercer Companies, Inc., noted that women and
minorities on average are less likely to receive retirement income from pensions than white males.
Specifically, 32% of current female retirees received pension benefits in 1994, compared to 55% of male
retirees, and the average benefit for women was only half as large as that paid to men. At the same time,
32% of Hispanics received pension benefits, compared to 40% of African Americans and 52% of white
retirees. Not surprisingly, older women are twice as likely to be poor. Elderly African Americans are three
times as likely to be poor.
The problem, according to Combs, is that both groups tend to earn lower wages than white males and to
have shorter job tenures. That, in turn, reflects in large part the fact that these groups, especially women,
are more likely to work part time, and are disproportionately represented in the retail and service sectors
where relatively few employers offer pension plans and are less likely to belong to unions.
The challenge in meeting the needs of these groups, then, will be to expand the access to pensions available
among the employers where such workers tend to be clustered, Combs concluded. (See Table 3)
III. Models for Educating the Public about Retirement Saving
During the two days of the Summit delegates returned repeatedly to the need to educate individuals and
employers alike on the retirement-saving issue. Concerning individuals, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin
argued for a three-pronged educational strategy aimed at: encouraging those who are not saving at all,
particularly lower and middle-income workers, to start saving; teaching young people the value of saving;
and helping those who already are saving to understand how much to save and what vehicles for saving are
available to them.
Other delegates noted that educational strategies aimed at individuals must be tailored to reach different
groups, including minorities, women, low-income workers, and people who do not speak English as a first
Employers need to be better informed as well, the delegates agreed. Too many employers, especially small-
business owners, do not currently understand the options they have—some quite inexpensive—to sponsor
retirement plans for employees.
In a plenary session on the second day of the Summit, the speakers discussed five models that exemplify
the kind of public and private commitment required to get working Americans on track toward financially
secure retirements. David Walker, moderator of the panel, noted that, “The rapid movement by the private
sector to defined contribution type vehicles and voluntary savings arrangements serves to increase the
importance of retirement planning and investment education.”
Retirement Savings Education Campaign
Launched by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1995, this public-information project has grown from 65
public- and private-sector partners to over 250 today. The Department has distributed more than 25 publi-
cations geared to educate individuals and employers about savings and how to protect pension benefits. In
addition, it has produced public service announcements that have appeared in English and Spanish in more
than 90,000 separate issues of approximately 11,000 newspapers and periodicals. Separate public service
announcements have been distributed to local television stations around the country.
As described during the Summit by then-Assistant Labor Secretary Olena Berg, the project’s signature
brochure, Top 10 Ways to Beat the Clock and Save for Retirement, presents a basic, easy-to-follow list of
steps individuals should take to ensure their financial security. Steps include determining how much money
one will need in retirement, how to find out what one’s Social Security benefits are likely to be, and how to
find out what retirement savings options are available through one’s employers.
“Most importantly in this brochure, we directed people to other sources of information,” Berg said. The
brochure is available in English and Spanish.
To reach women, the Labor Department worked with organizations such as the Women’s Pension Consor-
tium and the National Council of Negro Women to produce a checklist that encourages women to find
answers to questions particular to their needs. Again, said Berg, the questions are basic ones: “Does your
employer offer a pension plan? What kind of plan is it? What happens to your benefit if you change jobs?
What happens to your benefit if you retire early? What entitlement might you have to your spouse’s pen-
sion or survivor benefits?”
In its public service announcements, Berg said, the Department wants “our message to cross gender lines,
income and cultural lines so, that all American workers can identify with this retirement savings message.”
One advertisement features Oseola McCarty, who washed clothes for 75 years and never earned more than
$10 a bundle for the laundry, yet managed to save $250,000. Another shows Girl Scouts in Nashville who
are starting their own investment club, in the process demonstrating that it is never too early to start
Besides encouraging people to get into the pension system, the Labor Department program seeks to make
people already in the system feel secure about their benefits. To that end, it has produced a variety of
materials on protecting one’s pension and knowing pension rights, such as What You Should Know About
Your Pension Rights and Protect Your Pension.
For small business owners, the Labor Department in conjunction with the Treasury Department have
produced a booklet explaining options such as SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees)
plans, SEP (Simplified Employee Plans), 401(k) plans, profit-sharing plans and payroll-deduction individual
retirement accounts (IRAs). The Department partnered with the National Association of Women Business
Owners to distribute its small business materials to their more than 9,000 members, who are primarily
small business owners. The week of the Summit, the Department also unveiled on its website
( an interactive “small business retirement savings advisor” that will help employers
determine which type of plan is most appropriate for them—and then help them set in motion the process
of establishing a plan for their employees.
“We are trying to help American workers wade through what seems to them like a sea of information,” Berg
said. “We are trying to turn that sea into a pond to make it more accessible.”
Oregon: A Model State Initiative
Jim Hill, the State Treasurer in Oregon, believes it will take all levels of government to address the retire-
ment savings problem—and the levels of government that are closest to the people can be especially effec-
tive in getting information about the issue to the public.
Hill helped persuade the Oregon State Legislature to establish a task force on retirement, which subse-
quently found that less than half of Oregonians were saving through employer-sponsored pension plans,
that the state ranked fourth in the nation in nonmortgage consumer debt, that last year it hit an all-time
high in bankruptcies and, as in the rest of the nation, most people did not know how much money they
have or how much money they will need for retirement.
To help correct the problem, Hill subsequently formed a partnership with public- and private-sector part-
ners to organize Project Green Purse: Everywoman’s Money Conference. The conference, to be held in
September, is expected to attract about 1,300 women to the Portland Convention Center and perhaps a
thousand more to live satellite sites all around Oregon to address the particular retirement issues faced by
“This conference is not just about talk,” Hill told Summit delegates. He said the conference will bring
nationally recognized experts to address substantive issues.
The conference will not be a one-time event. Hill also is working toward holding a conference or series of
conferences to develop a small business pension education agenda. He has drafted an Oregon Savers Act to
give permanent focus and resources to the savings issue. And he is seeking to add a standard on retirement
to the Oregon Benchmarks, a series of goals by which Oregonians gauge their quality of life. And as next
year’s president of the National Association of State Treasurers, he hopes to spread the idea to other states
around the nation. “In our way of thinking, the retirement issue is really a part of a larger issue of eco-
nomic security for all Oregonians,” Hill said.
“Choose to Save”: A Model Media Campaign
Many delegates to the Summit argued that the media should play a major role in conveying to the public
that it is important to save for retirement and in helping people get the tools they need to accomplish that
task. The speakers cited as a model for such public education a six-month information campaign conducted
in Washington, DC, developed by the ASEC and the EBRI, and undertaken in partnership with WJLA-ABC
7 television, News Channel 8 and radio stations of the Bonneville Corporation: WTOP, WGMS, Z104.
Associated Press Radio and the
Washington, DC Metro Area Transit Authority joined in the partnership as well.
ASEC and EBRI provided their expertise on retirement issues to help WJLA, the local ABC affiliate in
Washington, produce a series of public service announcements, weekly news segments, community forums
and town hall meetings. The project culminated with a one-hour, prime-time special aired in June. The
entire effort was underwritten by Fidelity Investments.
Contrary to the belief of at least some journalists, the public is very interested in learning about retirement
issues, argued Horace Holmes, a WJLA reporter and anchor. “What I have learned over the past six months
is that the public is extremely interested in personal finance, and that local television newscasts do a very
bad job of giving them all the air time and the type of stories and the type of information that they want,”
he told delegates. All of the viewers that I’ve talked to over the past six months have said the same thing: `I
want to save for my future but, with all of my responsibilities, I don’t know how. I don’t know where to
begin and, even if I did come up with a plan to put some cash aside, I don’t know the best place to put that
money in order to make it grow and work for me.’”
The “Choose to Save” Campaign produced a number of resources that will be available to television and
radio stations in other cities. For instance, it designed specific public service advertisements geared to each
of the three major personality types that experts say characterize those who are failing to save for retire-
ment—“strugglers,” who want to save but are having trouble making ends meet; “impulsives,” who spend
for immediate gratification rather than considering their long-term needs; and “deniers,” who flatly refuse
to face the reality that someday they will reach retirement age.
To help people get started in planning for retirement, the campaign highlighted the “Ballpark Estimate,” a
one-page form developed by ASEC that enables individuals to make quick and easy estimates of what they
will need to save and invest each year to meet their retirement objectives. News stories and other features
of the campaign delved into retirement issues in more depth.
“Whenever we’ve been able during this campaign to inform our viewers about just how simple it is to
formulate that retirement plan, and when we’ve been able to get them hooked up with organizations like
ASEC and EBRI to help them out, the response from the public has been nothing but positive,” Holmes
Private-Sector Support
The Choose to Save Campaign owes much of its success to generous financial support from Fidelity, which
allowed for the production of high-quality public service announcements that could be aired during prime
viewing hours. Robert L. Reynolds, president, chief executive officer and managing director for institutional
investment at Fidelity, said the decision to sponsor Choose to Save was an easy one for the mutual fund
“It fit with everything we thought education should be,” Reynolds said. “It was an outreach program, it had
a very strong television presence and, I think, above all, it was a campaign on the basics. If you can take
that type of message into people’s homes, you can make tremendous strides in educating people about
Of all the advantages of employment-based retirement savings plans—the opportunity to make tax-deferred
investments, payroll deductions, loan options, even the availability of employer matches—education is the
single most important key to success, according to Reynolds.
He should know. Fidelity works with more than 5,000 corporations, handling 401(k) plans for more than
five million participants. Educational efforts are starting to pay off in a dramatic way, he says: the average
balance in the 401(k) plans managed by Fidelity is over $50,000. Fully 85% of eligible employees participate
in the plans. And the average participant is putting 75% of his or her funds in equities—a “very, very
healthy asset mix” that reflects a good understanding of what type of investment is likely to produce the
best returns over the long run.
Reynolds said efforts like WJLA’s should be replicated around the country, and he noted that exciting new
ways of getting the word about retirement savings out to the public are emerging. He said the Internet, in
particular, offers a promising new avenue for educating people about retirement saving and investing
because “it puts real-time information in front of people, and allows you to put material out that is
customized to the individual user.”
All this demonstrates, Reynolds concluded, that “public education is a process and not a one-time event.”
Employers, Retirement Plans and Education
Nobody is in a better position to help employees come to grips with the financial issues surrounding retire-
ment than employers, who have the opportunity to sponsor tax-advantaged retirement plans, the access to
employees to explain retirement issues and, importantly, the chance to build trust needed to make the
message about retirement savings take hold.
But getting that message across takes effort. Summit delegates lauded Hard Rock Cafes, a RankAmerica
unit, for demonstrating how employers can communicate effectively with their workers about retirement—
even to a population of employees that is relatively disinclined to consider retirement issues because it is
young and receives relatively low income.
Hard Rock offers employees who invest the minimum 2% of pay in the company’s 401(k) plan an employer
contribution equal to another 3%. Employees can defer as much as 19% of their pay. In addition, they can
invest in any of seven different mutual funds, can transfer funds between accounts daily, and can change
the amount they are deferring every quarter.
Despite the appeal of such a plan, the level of employee participation was disappointing at first, says
Anthony R. Amato, director of compensation and benefits for the company. But that changed after the
company adopted a new education program geared to its own employees, who tend to be young and rely on
tips for a substantial portion of their income.
“Think of it as a 150% tip,” the company said on a new brochure that explains the details of the plan and
such arcane topics as compounded interest, vesting rules and loan features, all in a breezy tone. “For those
of you who haven’t gotten it yet, THIS IS FREE MONEY,” the brochure adds, returning to the issue of the
employer match.
The award-winning brochure, developed and produced by Hard Rock’s own graphics and design group with
help from Buck Consultants in Atlanta, incorporates other aspects of Hard Rock’s corporate culture. But
Amato says companies cannot rely solely on paper brochures to convey the message about retirement.
That’s partly because of the cost: the company last year shipped six tons of paper explaining its retirement
program to employees. But it also is a question of effectiveness.
“We need to leverage technology and create a self-service environment for employees,” Amato said. “What
we are hoping to do is get into an all-access, 24-hour, seven-day-a-week kiosk where employees can have
access to all the information they normally would get through printed material. And it would include
interactive videos and games and things of that nature, located in the restaurants.”
Important as such efforts are, employers cannot do the job of educating workers alone, according to Amato.
He emphasized the importance of teaching children at an early age—in elementary schools—to learn
attitudes likely to help employment-based retirement plans take root.
“We should be targeting elementary schools and our children and talking to them about saving and getting
that message across,” Amato said. “It is important for them to come up into the ranks of the Hard Rock, if
you will, already with the notion `I can save, I know how to save and take advantage of the programs that
employers offer.’”
IV. Break-Out Facilitators Reports: Barriers and Opportunities
Much of the hard work of the Summit was done by delegates participating in nine break-out sessions. Over
the two days of the Summit, delegates met twice in small groups to identify barriers that stand in the way
of increased retirement saving and to brainstorm about various opportunities for overcoming them.
The goal of the Summit was not to reach consensus; time was too short for that. Nevertheless, a number of
themes arose repeatedly: the need for individuals to make an increased personal commitment to savings;
the need for a strong commitment from employers to help employees build future retirement security; the
need for government policies that are clear, simple, consistent, flexible and stable; the need to provide
appropriate incentives and reduce costs to plan sponsors, while at the same time protecting workers; and
the need to raise the profile of retirement savings in the minds of the American public.
Significantly, numerous delegates suggested that the ultimate solution to America’s retirement savings
challenge lies in fundamental cultural change, in finding ways to put more value on saving and less on
consuming. They consistently said such change will require the participation of institutions and individuals
from every sector and every walk of life. And, they repeatedly returned to the theme that education—
whether by schools, employers, government, the media or others—will be the crucial element in any suc-
cessful strategy to increase retirement saving.
Summaries of the break-out group deliberations, which stretched over both days of the Summit, follow.
They were compiled from presentations prepared by group facilitators and note-takers. A more detailed list
of the ideas produced in those sessions can be found in Appendix 3 of this report.
These ideas were suggested by individual Summit participants. They do not represent a consensus. They
were not prioritized.
A. “Dark Blue” Group
This group was characterized by an extraordinary diversity in views on both barriers to retirement saving
and opportunities to ameliorate the problem. Moreover, the suggestions ran the entire spectrum from
generic themes to unique items.
Delegates identified several major barriers to retirement savings, including consumerism among
Americans—especially young people, who have no real understanding of delayed gratification. Most
Americans have no heritage, or culture, of saving, members said. This is partly because many people do not
understand financial issues or existing retirement saving programs and opportunities, a problem that
arises at least in part from the lack of attention the media pay to this issue.
In general, the group said that no one is taking the lead to start a massive, national campaign to whip up
enthusiasm for saving for retirement. In particular, no one is reaching small employers with persuasive
reasons to start retirement plans.
The group noted, however, that there probably are no easy answers for marginal workers, women and
The group seemed united in believing there are very real opportunities to simplify existing rules and
regulations and to create partnerships involving government, business and educational institutions in the
effort to reach the younger generation and teach savings behavior instead of consumption. Moreover, it said
opportunities exist to expand the public’s knowledge of economic security issues in general.
Barriers for Individuals and Employers
The group identified three categories of barriers to increased retirement savings: current laws, economic
realties and lack of understanding among employers and employees.
Concerning the current legal environment, group members said the tax code penalizes saving outside of
qualified retirement plans. The group discussed several suggestions for creating tax incentives for saving
and for taxing consumption rather than saving.
The group also discussed whether certain retirement plans, particularly defined contribution plans, may be
too easily accessible before retirement. It explored the idea of modifying cash-out rules. It also considered
the possibility of requiring a “cooling off period” during which job changers could not spend funds received
as lump-sum distributions.
Delegates in the group also suggested that lack of portability is a barrier for many employees. This was
discussed in the context of both defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. The group discussed
what some described as rather arbitrary constraints on transferring funds between defined contribution
plans that originate under different sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
The group cited a number of economic “realities” that it says militate against retirement saving:
It is hard for working people to save.
Individuals and employers often take a short-term view, focusing on more immediate concerns than
Part-time and older workers, as well as cyclical workers, often lack access to retirement plans.
Women face special complications arising from periodic interruptions in their careers to raise children
and due to divorce.
Post-retirement health issues often are not addressed in retirement planning.
The need for more education occurs among employers and employees and involves all savings and financial
issues, the group said. It also suggested that the “savings industry” often neglects non-English speaking
The group identified specific types of education needs:
How much saving is needed for retirement.
We need a broader definition of “security.”
Employers need a better understanding of existing retirement programs, such as SIMPLE and SEP
Employees need to be more aware of the bargaining power they have during times of high employment.
They can demand more coverage with respect to employer-sponsored retirement plans.
People need help in understanding the impact of inflation. Reporting accumulated balances in nominal
terms may mislead some employees.
The media need to be educated on how to report financial issues.
The group identified a number of opportunities for the private and public sectors to encourage retirement
saving either unilaterally or in partnership with each other.
Private-sector opportunities include:
Education projects.
Payroll deductions and direct deposit for IRA investments.
Invite workers’ spouses to attend retirement planning seminars for employees.
Educate people on the costs of retirement.
Use regular statements for investors as a tool to educate.
Consultants and service providers may need to push employers to cover rank and file workers.
Offer stock options.
Remove barriers to portability.
Possible public-sector initiatives include:
Education projects that start at a young age.
Create stronger public demand.
A national campaign tailored after the “Buy War Bonds” effort.
Try to decrease consumerism.
Create tax incentives, or perhaps eliminate taxes on savings.
The government should conduct a survey or analysis of existing trends in defined benefit and defined
contribution plans.
Stimulate new saving rather than the transfer of existing assets.
The group agreed that collaborative efforts would be useful. Some examples of these include:
Link employers with someone else to increase trust among employees.
Develop curriculum, public service announcements and media advertisements.
Develop financial planning curriculum for high schools and colleges.
Groups like the Chamber of Commerce and various labor unions should promote pension concepts to
their members.
Encourage voluntary but automatic enrollment and contributions in retirement plans.
B. “Gold” Group
During the break-out sessions, the Gold Group exchanged many ideas. While it was unable to reach
consensus on all issues, there was widespread agreement on many issues.
The group began by identifying barriers that prevent individuals and employers from saving for retirement.
One of the first barriers it identified is that for many Americans, earnings and benefits are just too low.
Many individuals are struggling to make ends meet, and are unable to really focus on retirement savings.
The high level of taxes only exacerbates their low level of earning.
Still, the group said that individuals must take more responsibility to save for their own retirement. People
could increase retirement savings by making simple choices. They can choose to pay off their credit card
balances, which carry high finance charges. And they can choose to take advantage of savings vehicles such
as 401(k)s, or to invest more in these accounts.
There is a strong need for education among Americans. Many people do not enter the workforce with good
savings habits; they tend to focus too much on their immediate needs. Americans live in a consumption-
oriented society. We are taught to gratify current needs rather than to save for the future. Credit cards are
easy to obtain, and the number of individuals declaring bankruptcy is at an all time high. Saving money for
the future is rarely discussed in newspaper articles, in sitcoms, or other prime-time television shows. In
addition, not enough government programs encourage savings.
Because saving for their retirement is not a high priority for individuals, companies have been discouraged
from expanding retirement savings programs. Individuals would prefer higher salaries to other employee
Another barrier to employers is that retirement plan options are often complex, administratively burden-
some and often expensive to adopt. High start-up costs make it especially difficult for small businesses to
set up retirement plans. Even when employers would like to offer plans, many do not feel confident that
they have enough information. This lack of information occurs both because the private sector does not
adequately promote employer plans and because it is considered a social taboo for employers to discuss
retirement and financial status.
Many policies could encourage savings. We need to educate both employers and employees. The govern-
ment, employers and the private sector should be encouraged to work together to provide education.
One way to reach a large number of individuals is through the mass media. People would be interested in
receiving this information if it were available to them, but few newspaper and magazine articles—and even
fewer television shows—discuss retirement savings. We need prime-time informational television shows on
retirement issues. Even sitcoms could use retirement themes to raise public awareness. More newspapers
and magazines could run features on the importance of saving and on how to go about doing so.
Government policies also should be changed to encourage people to save. High taxes prevent many indi-
viduals from saving; tax cuts would allow more people to save. IRAs could be expanded to allow people to
invest more money, and tax breaks could be given to help businesses—especially small businesses—meet
start-up and administrative costs.
Once people have begun to save money for their retirement, they should be encouraged to leave that money
set aside. There should be stronger penalties for people who withdraw their money early from retirement
accounts, and the government should pass pending legislation that allows more portability between retire-
ment plans.
Employers can do more to educate the workforce and encourage employees to save. Companies should begin
or expand retirement programs, encourage payroll deductions and offer matching contributions. In addi-
tion, earlier vesting would help many individuals—in particular, women and minorities. Automatic enroll-
ment in 401(k)s also would help; employers who have tried this have seen the number of people enrolled in
their 401(k) increase dramatically. [During the Summit, President Clinton sought to clarify that employers
currently have the authority to enroll employees automatically. Under this approach, employees would
automatically become participants in a company-sponsored retirement plan unless they opt out.]
When companies give their employees pay increases, they should encourage them to invest that money.
While many barriers prevent people from saving, the Gold Group felt these barriers can be overcome once
people realize the importance of savings and once savings opportunities become more readily available.
Retirement savings, in short, can increase with the help of the government, employers, the private sector
and individuals. But the chances for success will be greatest if all of these groups do their part to encourage
increased saving.
C. “Green” Group
The green group’s discussions were positive, productive and focused. Numerous ideas were articulated.
While the perspectives of the delegates differed, there was general agreement from the delegates on most, if
not all, of the issues reported here. However, the group arrived at opposing opinions on a very small num-
ber of issues.
Individual Barriers
The group identified a number of barriers that prevent individuals from saving for retirement.
The group said that personal beliefs, motivation, attitudes and fears play an important role as barriers. In
addition, the group suggested that many Americans don’t recognize that retirement savings is a problem,
and do not consider it a priority. Also people do not have a savings ethic, and do not believe they will live
long enough to enjoy the benefits of retirement.
In addition, the group noted that many individuals believe that setting aside small amounts won’t make a
difference, so they see little reason to save. And, if individuals are motivated to save, it is often for shorter
term goals, such as cars.
According to the group, Americans are influenced by a consumer economy that promotes buying rather
than saving, an attitude the media does nothing to discourage. This is demonstrated by the free spending
patterns of many individuals using widely distributed, easily accessible credit cards. The spend-now
attitude causes individuals who change jobs to withdraw funds from their retirement savings and spend it,
rather than roll it over to other savings vehicles. Moreover, individuals have many fears about saving,
including having math phobia when it comes to money and financial calculations.
Efforts by investment companies to scare people into action by telling them how much they need to save
actually can scare individuals into inaction by giving them a sense of helplessness according to the group.
Lack of knowledge on savings hinders many people from saving. They do not have a clear understanding of
how to invest or how much to invest; who to turn to when making investment decisions; what investment
vehicles are best, safe and correct for their individual situation; where to begin saving and how to set
priorities; and why saving for retirement is important, the green group noted.
Generally, primary and secondary schools haven’t adopted financial management curricula that include
these types of topics. Typically, teachers are not trained to instruct students in managing money and in
financial issues, and parents in many cases are not able to teach their children about these topics. Further-
more, financial institutions do not educate the public in money management and savings. As a result,
people do not understand the value of savings or such issues as the power of compound interest.
For those who do understand the basics of saving and its importance, the investment process is still com-
plex. There are too many investment tools, forms and decisions to make. Individuals do not know where to
begin. The complexity of the investment process makes people fearful to invest, since they see investing as
a large risk.
Members of the green group discussed whether insufficient income is truly a barrier to saving. While there
was some debate, they agreed that low income is a particular concern for women, minorities and younger
Americans. Some delegates suggested that income taxes and Social Security taxes are too high, but others
disagreed. In addition, some members said tax breaks for investment are too limited, some noted that many
people are having difficulty living “day to day,” and some said college graduates often are too burdened with
school loans to start saving.
Rules governing many savings vehicles are not “saver friendly.” Some rules are too complex to understand,
while others limit what individuals can contribute. Savings vehicles such as IRAs do not allow individuals
to make catch-up contributions to compensate for periods when they could not save because they were sick
or out of the labor force. Also, many banks require a fairly substantial minimum balance before interest
accrues. And it is too easy to withdraw retirement funds early, defeating the purpose of saving for
retirement, according to the green group.
Employer Barriers
The group suggested that rules and regulations on establishing and maintaining pension plans prevent
many employers from sponsoring retirement plans. In particular, complex rules and cumbersome reporting
requirements “scare off” small companies. The penalties for making mistakes are very large, and all compa-
nies fear the potential liability from lawsuits for plans that do not perform as well as participants hope.
The rules for defined benefit plans are considered especially onerous, the group said. Further complicating
the situation is the fact that different rules apply to different types of employees and types of employers.
Because of the difficulty of combining different types of plans, mergers can lead companies to terminate
plans instead of continuing them. Contradictory rules also limit portability of retirement savings when
employees changes jobs.
Complexity of rules makes the cost of complying high. Large employers can overcome this problem because
they have many resources, but smaller employers typically have much more limited resources.
Employers typically find that employees value health benefits over pension benefits, so employers respond
accordingly. The high cost of health care has forced some companies to choose between offering health care
and providing retirement plans. Retirement often goes by the wayside. Furthermore, continual changes in
pension and tax rules make it costly and time-consuming for companies to keep their pension plans quali-
fied. In addition, many employers lack knowledge about setting up plans, administering plans and promot-
ing employee education on retirement savings. These activities typically are perceived as costly and diffi-
The group had many suggestions for opportunities to encourage savings. They fall into several general
themes: simplify, clarify, measure, communicate, collaborate, educate and induce.
In order to simplify and clarify rules on savings, the group suggested that the President and the Congress
should create a national policy on retirement savings. The policy goals would be to: 1) simplify laws and
regulations while retaining protections intended by the laws and regulations; 2) look at laws and rules that
adversely affect all Americans, particularly low-income groups, and eliminate or revise them; 3) if neces-
sary, develop new laws and rules that help Americans, particularly low-income groups, save more, and 4)
identify conflicts in the laws and regulations between agencies such as the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Labor and the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and revise them to make them more compatible.
The group suggested using data from materials prepared for the Summit on patterns and trends for the
overall state of retirement saving, and for various groups, as a baseline against which future progress could
be measured. By the 2001 Summit, these data could be compared with actual outcomes.
A national marketing campaign would help promote retirement saving. It should use different strategies to
reach different demographic groups. It should develop a recognizable symbol to promote public awareness
of the importance of retirement savings. The campaign should include a strong partnership with the media,
which should provide time and space to the effort as well as report positively on the retirement savings
issue. Creation of a network among those concerned with public education and retirement savings issues
also would help. The American Savings Education Council (ASEC) can and is serving as a clearinghouse for
materials on retirement saving and parties involved in the issue. ASEC can and will expand its role to keep
Summit participants informed about employer and community service “best practices” in savings education.
A comprehensive education strategy on the importance of personal finances, money management and
saving for retirement is needed. This strategy would cover elementary and middle schools, and provide a
curriculum on managing money and personal finance, with training to help teachers learn this curriculum.
High school students should be required to take and pass a course in financial management in order to
Since education is a lifetime process, universities should develop courses on savings for college students and
the community in general. Employers also could develop programs to educate employees on saving and
financial planning, and larger employers could mentor small employers by providing expertise and by
sharing savings educational information materials.
Governors should be enlisted to promote statewide retirement education strategies. Perhaps there should
be a competition between the states to see which can achieve the highest percentage of its population that
saves for retirement. In addition, social service agencies could create savings education programs to go
along with counseling programs and job training, and they could target low-savings groups such as women
and low-income individuals in this effort.
Tax incentives should be created to encourage savings at the individual level and make pension plans more
attractive to individuals and employers. The tax structure needs to be reviewed and changes made that
would eliminate complexity and make it easier and less costly for employers to offer pension plans. In
addition, small companies can form associations to offer larger group pension plans with reduced adminis-
trative costs for each individual company. In this effort, pension plans could be made more portable, and
therefore, more attractive to individuals.
D. “Light Blue” Group
The light blue group was very diverse, and offered a great diversity of opinions and options for consider-
ation. No attempt was made to reach consensus on barriers or opportunities. Rather, everyone in the group
had a chance to share their thoughts and ideas—some of which were similar or related, and some of which
were very different. What follows is a summary of the thoughts and ideas expressed.
Individual Barriers
The light blue group recognized that there are serious barriers keeping individuals from saving adequately
for retirement. These include, but are not restricted to, a lack of knowledge and skill about managing
income, spending money, planning for retirement, saving, taxation and thrift. These are issues in all com-
munities throughout America, but can be especially challenging for women and minorities.
More generally, society tends to be focused on consumption rather than on the virtue of thrift.
It was argued that the current tax structure discourages savings and encourages consumer spending. High
taxes also make it difficult for people to save. In addition, many individuals, especially women and minori-
ties, lack disposable income. There is an absence of a societal commitment to high-wage jobs that would
make savings more feasible for various segments of our society.
It also was noted that the increasing costs of higher education can impair one’s ability to save for retire-
ment. And it was suggested that attacks on affirmative action can reduce educational achievement and
ultimately limit economic success and security.
Employer Barriers
Several barriers reduce the ability of employers, especially small businesses, to offer retirement plans.
Complex regulations and compliance standards, as well as the existence of potential penalties, often deter
businesses from offering certain retirement programs. Employers who offer retirement plans sometimes
worry about confusion that may arise when they attempt to educate employees, and they fear their educa-
tional efforts could be perceived as giving advice, in which case they might be judged to have assumed
fiduciary responsibility.
The group also cited high labor force turnover and the resulting lack of mutual commitment between
employers and employees as barriers to retirement saving. It said there is an apparent lack of employee
interest in retirement benefits. While some members suggested that greater demand for such benefits from
employees would motivate employers to offer plans, others noted that turnover sometimes contributes to
that lack of employee demand.
Lack of employee demand often combines with lack of resources to prevent small employers from offering
retirement plans.
The group also suggested that lack of mutual trust between employees and employers sometimes leads
workers to question whether promised benefits will be there when they retire. But some also suggested that
employers are shifting the burden of retirement savings and the risks associated with investing retirement
funds to employees by offering defined contribution plans instead of defined benefit plans.
Members also mentioned a lack of education among employers, saying employers need more information so
that they can choose the type of plan that is most appropriate for them.
Barriers to Increasing Public Awareness
The No. 1 barrier to increasing public awareness seems to be the need to compete with a consumer-oriented
society. An ethic of thrift and saving is missing in many segments of our society. Advertising campaigns are
needed, including ones directed at lower earners, to create this ethic along with a sense of urgency about
saving. The public also needs help figuring out how—and how much—to save for retirement. We should do
a better job of teaching thrift and saving to children.
It also was noted that there is a lack of a moral outrage at a public policy that sponsors lotteries that appeal
to the most vulnerable members of our society. Some argued that financial institutions should do more to
increase public awareness, especially among minorities and women, who represent an untapped market for
such companies. But, group members said, there seems to be a lack of market incentives to get financial
institutions to go after this market. At the same time, some segments of society lack trust in financial
The view also was expressed that, with an increasingly diverse workforce, we may be expecting too much
from employers.
We should undertake a national campaign (including, but not restricted to, public service announcements)
to make savings a high priority for individuals and give them the knowledge and tools to act. Individuals
should be encouraged to assume responsibility, and they should be educated on strategies for managing
their financial resources. Better government communications are needed, especially for non-English speak-
ing people.
Both government and business should be models of thrift and concern to the public; and they should en-
courage an attitude of thrift and savings among their employees and the general public. Government
should lead by example in its treatment of public-sector employees. Employers should raise the profile of
the plans that are already available to employees, and provide ongoing education. Among other things, they
can try to encourage participation in retirement plans by workers when they receive raises.
We should continue to simplify pension plans, and continue to generate new types of plans. The public
needs to examine the implications of the growth in defined contribution plans and consider policies to
promote defined benefit plans (including simplified defined benefit plans for small businesses). We should
consider expanding the availability of multiemployer pension plans.
More focus should be given to lower-income groups. The financial community should become more involved
with and focused on lower-income areas. Part-time workers should be given access to pension and other
retirement programs. We should identify and provide incentives to encourage saving among low-income
wage earners. Another possibility is to raise the minimum wage to allow more opportunity for saving.
Congress should debate changes to the tax code designed to promote savings, including whether to funda-
mentally restructure the tax code. It should allow catch-up provisions that allow individuals to save more at
later ages, when they are better able to save.
But we should not put all the burden on either the public or private sectors. Individuals and communities
must get involved, and government and employers should work together.
E. “Orange” Group
The orange group generated about 200 thoughts and comments. It had, for a moment, the idea we might
come to consensus on some of those but decided, instead, to try to cluster them in three major areas:
First, that as a result of this Summit, Americans should make adequate retirement income a clear
national priority.
Second, that simplification of government policies and provision for increased incentives to save must
also be a nationwide priority.
Third, that education is likely to be the key and that it must occur throughout the life span and in all
types of environments.
Making Adequate Retirement Income a National Priority
Unequal access to savings opportunities is one of the biggest barriers to making adequate retirement
income a national priority. Tremendous, conflicting demands are placed on the part of families these days.
It becomes very difficult to make savings the No. 1 priority if that means forsaking putting food on the
There is a great deal of misinformation in the country about the necessity and availability of retirement
systems for a large percentage of our population. The advertising marketplace emphasizes consumerism to
the extent that savings is not a high priority.
The group suggested five or six specific opportunities to make adequate retirement income a national
Members said it is critical to create standards and mechanisms that make it possible to provide adequate
retirement income for every single American. We should allow for direct deposit and payroll deductions into
retirement accounts. People should be able to save in a variety of locations and ways, whether in grocery
stories or perhaps through a surcharge on Lotto tickets. There should be catch-up provisions for individuals
who need to make up for missed savings opportunities earlier in life. And we absolutely must maintain
some minimal level of support for all of our citizens.
Simplifying Government Policies and Creating Savings Incentives
Concerning the simplification of government policies and the provision for increased incentives to save,
there are four or five types of barriers.
Confusion over the security of savings tends to be a large fear factor for many Americans. We need much
more information about how that system operates and the degree to which people can have confidence that
it will continue to operate.
Lack of portability is another barrier, as are restrictive regulations placed on businesses and individuals.
Orange group members suggested that it is critical to reduce the number of government mandates and give
employers and employees more freedom to choose programs that cover all levels of earners.
Vesting periods should be shortened, and taxes and regulatory burdens on small businesses should be
Business and government must continue to maintain effective partnerships. We must find more ways to
encourage multiemployer types of retirement plans. We must encourage more private-sector contributions
to the education of individuals.
We should explore the idea of taxing consumption and not savings. We should advance legislation to in-
crease portability of retirement savings. And we should support opportunities to roll over retirement invest-
Lifetime Education
Barriers to education certainly include the lack of quality and accurate information available to a variety of
individuals. There are many misperceptions and misunderstandings about the nomenclature used by
retirement professionals.
There is a lack of educational opportunities and content. We need to start educating people about retire-
ment issues and finance earlier. We must find ways to teach and understand the complexities of savings
and such issues as compound interest.
We must find ways to capitalize on the advent of new media and communications skills. Members talked
about placing kiosks in malls where the kids are walking around, finding ways to use e-mail, and capitaliz-
ing on the entertainment world: maybe we need Oprah to help us, or perhaps we need to think about
enlisting sports stars to speak out about retirement issues.
School partnerships, earlier education and education throughout the life span will be critical as we help
individuals understand the risks they must consider—risks that include changes in life expectancy, unan-
ticipated changes in personal lives, or the possibility that one will be come disabled or suffer health prob-
lems later in life.
F. “Purple” Group
The group met twice to discuss a series of questions concerning barriers and opportunities for individuals
and employers. It held a third meeting to summarize the prior meetings and decide what would be pre-
sented to the delegates of the Summit.
The first session focused on barriers, and addressed three questions: 1) What are the barriers individuals
face in saving for retirement?, 2) What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help
their employees prepare for retirement?, and 3) What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the
value of saving for retirement?
The second session dealt with opportunities for both individuals and employers. It specifically focused on
two questions: 1) What can the private sector and other non-governmental organizations do to address the
barriers identified in the first session?, and 2) What can the public sector do to address these barriers?
There were several ground rules designed to facilitate the sessions. One was that the goal was to find
contributions, but not necessarily consensus. If consensus emerged naturally, that was important, but the
group was not driven to find a consensus or forced to vote on issues. A second important ground rule was
that Social Security was off limits.
Individual Barriers
The purple group agreed that there is too much complexity and rigidity in the current retirement-savings
system. For example, IRA rules have become disincentives to savings. Participants also expressed concern
about the lack of portability between retirement plans and the inability of workers to enter into plans
earlier. Also, tax burdens take away from retirement savings.
Another theme is that there is a cultural bias in the U.S. toward consumption. Saving is not a national
priority. Minorities, women, and low-income individuals have little or no money to save. This, combined
with a lack of education for individuals and low levels of trust in savings and financial instruments does not
encourage saving. Additionally, there are many misconceptions about retirement plans and saving among
both individuals and employers. The fact that there is little or no education in basic math and financial
literacy in family and schools has not helped.
Employer Barriers
When examining barriers for employers, the group sounded a similar theme. Again, there is too much
complexity, and employers perceive the costs of sponsoring retirement plans to be high. Employers also
have priorities other than setting up a retirement plan—including ensuring success of their companies.
When combined with a lack of interest or demand by employees for retirement benefits, this leads employ-
ers to conclude that retirement benefits are not a top priority. In addition, there has been a lack of educa-
tion among employers about available retirement programs and costs associated with them.
Some see a lack of a business nexus that would prompt employers to become more active in achieving the
goals of the Summit. For example, what is the business connection in trying to help low-wage earners save?
Public Awareness Barriers
With respect to barriers to public awareness, the discussion revolved around two issues. The first involved
language barriers, which delegates said affect individuals for whom English is a second language and
individuals for whom it is the first language. The second area was that there is no objective advocate for
individuals on retirement-savings issues: from the standpoint of the consumer, delegates said, who can you
The group found two overarching themes when it comes to opportunities for improving the current situa-
tion: 1) it said we need to find customer-centered solutions, and 2) we need a greater partnership between
public, private and non-profit organizations.
The group also saw a need for greater simplicity, clarity, constancy, and flexibility. For example, it suggested
developing simple, universal IRAs for all savings, allowing portability between different retirement savings
vehicles, and allowing phased retirement. We also need to educate employers on how to set up low-cost
Another opportunity for change involves cultural attitudes toward saving. Some delegates suggested
establishing a national savings priority policy similar to the national savings-bond drive. Members of the
group also said we need to prevent leakage of money from retirement savings accounts, and we should
encourage credit card companies to teach credit card responsibilities.
We also should reduce tax burdens and disincentives. For instance, we could offer a tax credit for 401(k)s,
change the tax code to promote savings rather than consumption, provide stronger incentives for small
employers to establish plans, reduce the federal tax burden, or provide a saved-income credit for low-income
Finally, the group said aggressive education programs could lead to change. We need to begin to educate
within families and in the early school years, paying special attention to language barriers. We need to
provide for initial and continual education for workers and retirees. And both public and private sectors
need to support educational efforts by grass roots organizations.
G. “Red” Group
The Red Group’s summary below is laid out in essentially the same order the discussions took place during
the break-out sessions. Items that are marked with an asterisk were reported in the plenary session (the
group decided at the end of its last session that its report should focus on opportunities and action steps,
rather than barriers).
There was remarkably little controversy. When it occurred, it is noted in parentheses.
What are the barriers individuals face in saving for retirement?
1. Lack of knowledge
Elementary/secondary schools don’t teach about financial planning.
People lack general knowledge about retirement programs/options/and the power of compounding.
2. Faulty assumptions
Many assume Social Security will pay what they need.
Some expect defined benefit plans, even though the number is declining
People assume their employers will “take care” of them.
People do not recognize the likelihood of needing to pay for long-term care costs
3. Lack of incentives
Social values don’t support planning for the future.
Americans today have no disciplined habit of saving.
Some in group felt that defined benefit plans encourage passivity. Several participants disputed this
view, however.
Not all employee benefits statements reflect savings gains
4. Many people lack access to retirement plans (whether employer-provided or not).
5. Lack of dollars to invest
People need money for other purposes (to pay off consumer debt or student loans, meet long-term
care costs, pay expenses following loss of job etc.). Some group participants disputed this, asserting
that anyone can save at least a little.
The tax burden on individuals makes it hard to save.
Part-time employees and independent contractors need to be able to vest faster and have portability
6. Employees have to fill out too much paperwork to make changes in their savings decisions
What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help their employees pre-
pare for retirement?
1. Government regulations (IRS, DOL, SEC)
Government focuses on preventing abuses vs. giving incentives (the stick is bigger than the carrot).
Rules are too complex, especially for small employers. The cost per employee of compliance is
Defined benefit plans are regulated too heavily.
Defined benefit plan contribution limits and testing rules discourage sponsorship by some employ-
Rules aren’t stable, creating a problem for employers and employees, who are expected to plan for
40 years.
Back-loading or catch-up provisions are prohibited. This represents a barrier to those who leave the
workforce for periods of time.
Defined benefit plans prohibit accelerating payments later in life. Allow employers to make addi-
tional contributions for newly hired older workers who do not have time to accrue a meaningful
2. Multiemployer plans
Lack of industry-based multiemployer plans for small employers
Serious funding liability issue when an employer drops out.
3. Other small employer issues
Employees are interested in more immediate benefits.
Employer contributions and administration costs too much.
4. Funding/revenue issues
Government treats pension plans as revenue generators.
The federal budget scores benefits as expenditures
Some measures (Roth IRAs, for instance) cause revenue losses that only come years after they are
5. Employers fear lawsuits arising from statements they make to employees in plans and literature.
6. Clash of goals: government favors shorter-term vesting, but employers want to reward longevity.
What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the value of saving for retirement?
1. The message is not reaching young people.
Schools don’t teach about saving and investing.
Commercials never suggest that the young will be old some day.
Financial help cannot be found in the media young people tend to see.
2. Complexity of the information.
Almost requires one-on-one counseling
3. Liability issues
Employers who give employees advice can be sued as fiduciaries. This forces employers to focus on
broad education or to use third parties.
4. Cultural differences
There is a lack of outreach information for people of other cultures or languages.
Some people from other cultures do not trust their employers.
5. Lack of research on other nations: We have not learned any lessons from nations with higher savings
6. The consumer culture creates too much pressure to spend.
7. Lack of personal responsibility
What can the private sector and other non-governmental organizations do to address the barri-
1. Better educational efforts
People need materials that are easier to understand.
Educational materials should be targeted to specific audiences, such as savers, non-savers, specific
ethnic groups, people with higher or lower educational levels.
Minorities and low-income groups should be approached by groups they trust.
2. More access to educational materials
We should build a central clearinghouse/repository for information on retirement savings (at the
Department of Labor or in business groups, for instance).
More materials should be made available to small employers.
3. More educational materials should be developed
Public-private partnerships are needed.
Groups such as Junior Achievement, the Chambers of Commerce, Jump$tart Coalition, schools
should be involved. The range of partners should be broadened to include more than business-
oriented groups.
We need to develop standard forms and materials. This would result in substantial cost savings for
small employers.
Better ad campaigns would increase demand by employees, and thereby put pressure on employers
to do more.
Ad campaigns should have major public and private funding, be aired in prime time, and be as
strong as anti-smoking and seat belt efforts.
4. Make it easier to save: multiemployer plans
Multiemployer plans for small employers should be encouraged.
The issue of funding liability when an employer drops out should be addressed.
5. Make it easier to save: other steps
We should give kids opportunities to save starting in elementary school.
We should permit payroll deductions for “retirement” or “life savings” bonds that would earn more
than savings bonds.
We should give tax credits to employees in lower income brackets.
We should give tax credits to employers to set up retirement savings vehicles.
We should allow tax-deferred dollars, such as in 401(k)s (up to a certain amount) to be used for
financial planning help, give financial planning the same status in cafeteria plans as group legal
services, stop imputing income for employer-provided financial services and repeal the limit on
itemized deductions for financial planning services.
We should provide government matching funds up to a certain amount if employees put part of
their tax payments into a federally managed retirement savings account.
We should provide more incentives for financial institutions to gear programs to the very small
6. We should recommit ourselves, as matter of public-private policy, to employer-based plans, reinforce the
social contract and alleviate individual risk
What can the public sector do to address the barriers?
1. Incentives
Small employers should qualify for tax credits to help offset costs.
Employees should be allowed to make voluntary, tax deductible contributions to defined benefit
plans (this would mean allowing individual accounts within defined benefit plans). These funds
would be managed by the defined benefit plan managers.
Employers should be encouraged to establish automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans and require
employees to make written requests to opt out.
Catch-up provisions should be allowed in retirement plans, enabling late-starting savers and people
who had to withdraw funds prematurely to build or rebuild their retirement-fund balances. Employ-
ees should be held responsible to report such transactions on their tax returns, rather than requir-
ing employers to certify their tax eligibility.
Eliminate highly compensated employee caps so employees can catch up without higher paid
employees having to reduce their contributions
All limits should be taken off of savings vehicles
We should create incentives for savings and discourage consumption, perhaps by prohibiting lump-
sum payouts of employer-provided money.
2. Reduce complexity, risk and cost.
We should create special small employer plans.
We should use plain English in laws.
We should reduce penalties and add incentives
3. Research
We should find out what nations with higher savings rates do (e.g. Japan’s Post Office Savings
Plan), and study whether the same strategies could be used in this country.
4. Change our language
We should talk about “lifetime savings” rather than “retirement.” The former would register with
the young, while the latter does not.
5. Voluntary efforts
Members of the investment, pension and savings community should volunteer to talk to students
and others
H. “Silver” Group
It is an understatement to say that there was a tremendous amount of diversity of opinions in this group.
Members of the group represented a continuum of opinions about what should be done, ranging from those
who want fundamental tax and entitlement reform to those who believe the existing system is sound, but
needs simplification and improvement. There also appeared to be a third group who did not completely
espouse either of the more divergent positions.
Members of the group mentioned many barriers that affect retirement savings at the individual, employer
and public awareness level.
Income inadequacy was mentioned as a general barrier to increased retirement savings among individuals;
some attributed this barrier to the type of jobs some people hold (part-time, contingent, or in certain indus-
tries where employer-sponsored pensions are rare). Others argued that income is inadequate because of
overtaxation and inefficiencies in the tax code.
Delegates also said ineligibility for employment-based pension plans (due to age restrictions and lack of
sponsorship), lack of pension asset portability, IRA eligibility rules, and current consumption needs all
represent barriers to individual saving for retirement.
Employers face a number of barriers in the retirement-savings arena. Members of the silver group men-
tioned over-regulation numerous times, especially involving small employers. Delegates also suggested that
employees prefer cash wages over tax-deferred savings, that vesting schedules are too short to induce
employers to offer plans, and that employer margins aren’t high enough.
Inadequate education was mentioned as one of the greatest barriers to increased public awareness. Group
members said education is needed at both the individual and employer level. Individuals need to be edu-
cated on the basic principles of investing, for instance, and employers need to be educated on the benefits of
offering defined benefit plans.
The group agreed that employers should provide basic education to employees, but they did not agree on
the role of the government. Some in the group thought the government has not done enough to educate the
public on the retirement issue, while others thought it already has done too much.
The group also discussed what message should be conveyed. While there was not widespread agreement on
this question, some members of the group thought the message should be simplified, and targeted to reach
low-income people. Delegates also said the message should be emphasized by the media.
Perhaps the only thing the group agreed on was the need for additional private-sector education. Some
examples of what was agreed on include:
There should be more media outreach efforts.
Pension counseling should be expanded.
Everybody should be educated about the benefits of starting early. For instance, financial institu-
tions should be encouraged to have products for school-age children.
More effort should be made to make people aware that life expectancy is increasing, and that people
should save accordingly.
People should be informed about the full range of options available to them
We should coordinate policy-making with those we hope will sell the product.
Beyond these areas of agreement there were a wide range of views. Although the group knew what is
meant by portable pensions, for instance, its members could not agree on language to include a bullet point
on that issue in its report.
I. “Yellow” Group
The Yellow Group engaged in a lively discussion on individual and employer barriers to retirement savings
and on opportunities for overcoming these barriers. Participants agreed that overcoming barriers will
require different strategies for different segments of society.
The group agreed that lack of income is a significant barrier to savings for some people. It said that society
must maintain a safety net for those who cannot provide for themselves. The group concentrated on ad-
dressing barriers faced by people who do have adequate income (along with the barriers faced by employ-
The delegates also noted that the retirement-saving issue overlaps with other related policy issues, such as
the overall need to increase the U.S. savings rate. Rather than expand their conversation to include this
broader topic, however, members remained focused on barriers to saving for retirement. They then focused
on opportunities to overcome savings barriers within both the private and public sectors.
Individual Barriers
Lack of income was one of the first barriers to individual retirement savings that was mentioned by this
group. For single heads of households, incomes can be stretched just to meet the bare necessities, and any
savings may be designated for other purposes besides retirement—especially saving for college.
Lack of education is another significant barrier to individual retirement savings. Many individuals don’t
feel that they need to save for retirement because they believe that Social Security will provide adequate
retirement income. They see older generations living comfortably in retirement today, and think that things
will all ‘work out’ somehow for the current generation of workers as well.
Basic financial terminology and concepts such as the power of compounding are not a part of the curricu-
lum at most public schools. As a result, high school graduates and even college graduates are not aware of
the tools that are available for retirement savings. Nor are they aware of the benefits of using retirement
savings vehicles such as employer-sponsored 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts.
The yellow group focused on the complexity of the retirement savings task as a significant barrier for
individuals to overcome. Even for people who are well educated about financial matters, the process of
coming up with a retirement saving goal (including determining one’s own retirement age and subsequent
life expectancy), developing a strategy, and carrying it out is a daunting task. For people less well educated
in financial matters, the task can be overwhelming.
Our consumer culture is another barrier to savings. The media encourage people to spend and consume
more all the time. Along with the easy availability of credit, this leads people to spend more than they earn;
many people live from paycheck to paycheck because of their out-of-control spending habits. In addition,
many individuals have a “lottery mentality.” They purchase lottery tickets in the hopes of hitting it big
someday, but don’t realize how much more productive it would be to put their money into retirement
savings accounts.
For people who have gotten the savings message and are saving for retirement, tax laws create barriers by
limiting the amount that can be placed in 401(k) and IRA accounts. Many people do not put money into
these accounts because tax laws are so complex that they don’t understand how the accounts work.
Employer Barriers
Employers face many barriers to helping their employees save for retirement. Some employers don’t feel
responsible for the retirement security of their employees. Employees usually put a higher priority on
better wages and access to health care, so retirement plans can be a low priority for employees and employ-
ers alike. Employers do not understand the competitive advantage that can be gained from educating
employees about retirement savings.
For employers, particularly small business owners, there is little business case for setting up a retirement
plan unless employees demand it. Employers also lack education in how to set up retirement plans and how
much they cost. The cost of administering a traditional defined benefit plan can be high, and employers are
not aware of the low-cost alternatives. Tax laws surrounding pension plans and 401(k)s are too complex,
and employers’ risk of liability is too high. Employers hesitate to make the long-term commitment that is
required in setting up retirement plans. Constant change in the tax code also can be a barrier to employers’
willingness to administer retirement plans.
The Yellow Group generated a multitude of ideas that would help to overcome retirement savings barriers.
In order to increase saving, we need to increase education about retirement savings and the savings ve-
hicles that are available. We need to make the system less complex. We also need to decrease ‘leakage’ of
savings that is designated for retirement and increase the portability of dollars from one savings vehicle to
Improvements in education can take place through both the public sector and the private sector, or the two
in cooperation with each other. Educational efforts need to be carefully and appropriately targeted to
particular audiences. Public school curricula should include basic financial concepts about budgeting,
saving, and investing, so that individuals start thinking about savings before they are out in the work
Private companies can assist in this effort by creating partnerships with schools to teach financial literacy
to kids. Financial institutions can help by creating savings vehicles that kids or classrooms can use to
invest small amounts of money. Interactive materials on the Internet and interactive software (perhaps a
“Sim-401(k)”) should also be developed and targeted to kids.
Employers and a wide variety of community groups should provide educational services aimed at adults in
cooperation with financial institutions. “Life planning” seminars could teach employees the basics of bud-
geting or the basics of investing. Educational tools such as the Securities and Exchange Commission’s
“Financial Facts Toolkit” should be disseminated more broadly to the public. Employer statements should
include estimated lifetime income streams, which would show how accumulated savings could translate into
monthly payments at retirement. This would give employees a good idea of where they stand in their efforts
to save for retirement. The Social Security Administration should mail similar statements to workers on a
regular basis, perhaps annually. The Internal Revenue Service should send employers information on
retirement plan options, and how to set up retirement plans.
The pension system should be simplified and made more flexible for both employers and employees. We
need to give employers more flexibility to give financial and investment advice without incurring liability,
and we should give employers more incentives to contribute to employee retirement saving. Rules for
setting up and administering both defined benefit and defined contribution plans should be simplified.
Small employers should get tax credits for setting up retirement plans. All—even part-time workers and
contractors–should have the option of having money automatically deducted from their paychecks for
retirement savings. This is especially important for those whose earnings are low and who would otherwise
have a hard time setting aside retirement savings from their paychecks.
There was some discussion and definite disagreement in the yellow group over so-called “top-heavy rules.”
Some felt that they should be eliminated, while others felt that top-heavy rules are absolutely necessary.
There was also some disagreement about whether vesting periods should be reduced from five years to
three years or whether they should be left as is.
The multiemployer pension model was discussed as a way for small employers to group together into
‘affinity groups’ that could sponsor pension plans. The TIAA-CREF is a good model. Legislation would be
necessary to make this happen on a large scale.
Congress and the administration should enact legislation to allow people who have been out of the
workforce to make catch-up savings in 401(k) accounts, and to make it easier for employees to move be-
tween plans when they change jobs or leave the workforce.
A large-scale media campaign to increase awareness of retirement savings would help to counteract the
impact of advertisers and their ‘spending’ message. By spreading the word on television and in newspapers,
multitudes of people would begin to get the retirement-savings message.
Appendix 1: The Summit Agenda.
National Summit on Retirement Savings
June 4–5, 1998
PRE-SUMMIT – Wednesday, June 3
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Summit Registration
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Arrival Reception
DAY 1 – Thursday, June 4
7:00 am – 3:45 pm Summit Registration
8:00 am - 9:00 am Networking Buffet Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:15 am Welcome and Procedural Remarks
Hosts: Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor
George Allen, Former Governor of Virginia
9:15 am - 10:30 am Panel Discussion: Current State—Saving and Education Today
Panelists: Dallas L. Salisbury, Employee Benefit Research Institute (Moderator)
Mathew Greenwald, Mathew Greenwald & Associates, Inc.
Josie Tsao, IBM Corporation
James S. Ray, Connerton & Ray
Craig Hoffman, Corbel/Sungard
Ann Combs, William M. Mercer, Inc.
10:30 am - 11:00 am Beverage Break
11:00 am - 12:15 pm Keynote Presentations
Speakers: Richard Gephardt, House Minority Leader
Trent Lott, Senate Majority Leader
Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House
Al Gore, Vice President of the United States
Bill Clinton, President of the United States
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Break
12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Networking Lunch
1:45 pm - 2:00 pm Break
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 9 Concurrent Breakout Sessions—Employee and Employer Barriers
3:00 pm - 3:10 pm Break
3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 9 Concurrent Breakout Sessions—Employee and Employer Opportunities
5:15 pm - 6:45 pm White House Reception
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Congressional Dinner at Union Station
Speakers: Rob Portman, U.S. House of Representatives
Harris Fawell, U.S. House of Representatives
Earl Pomeroy, U.S. House of Representatives
Max Baucus, U.S. Senate
Donald Payne, U.S. House of Representatives
DAY 2 – Friday, June 5
8:00 am - 8:50 am 9 Concurrent Breakout Sessions
8:50 am - 9:00 am Break
9:05 am - 10:45 am Panel Discussion: Public- and Private-Sector Outreach Activities/Best Practices
Speakers: David Walker, Arthur Anderson (Moderator)
Olena Berg, Assistant Secretary of Labor
Jim Hill, Oregon State Treasurer
Horace Holmes, WJLA-TV
Robert Reynolds, Fidelity Investments
Anthony Amato, Hard Rock Café International
10:45 am - 11:00 am Break
11:00 am - 12:15 pm Final Plenary Session: Summary of Breakout Group Discussions
Speakers: Jennifer Dunn, U.S. House of Representatives (Host)
Pamela Gwin, Federal Executive Institute (Dark Blue group facilitator
Dennis Center, Federal Executive Institute (Gold group facilitator)
Barbara Smith, Federal Executive Institute (Green group facilitator)
Sylvester Houston, Federal Executive Institute (Light Blue group
Linda Bunker, Federal Executive Institute (Orange group facilitator)
Robert Franco, Federal Executive Institute (Purple group facilitator)
Terry Newell, Federal Executive Institute (Red group facilitator)
Robert Gest, Federal Executive Institute (Silver group facilitator)
Pamela Wilhelms, Federal Executive Institute (Yellow group facilitator)
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Closing Session: Thank You and Challenge
Speakers: Jennifer Dunn, U.S. House of Representatives (Host)
Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor (Host)
Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury
Bob Graham, U.S. Senate
Jim Kolbe, U.S. House of Representatives
Harris Fawell, U.S. House of Representatives
Henry J. Aaron
Senior Fellow
The Brookings Institution
Washington, DC
Leanne Abdnor
Vice President for External Affairs
Cato Institute
Washington, DC
Fay Allen
State Farm Insurance
Jeffersonville, IN
Wayne D. Angell
Senior Managing Director & Chief Economist
Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc.
New York, NY
Ward Armstrong
American Express Retirement Services
Minneapolis, MN
Terry Atkinson
Managing Director
PaineWebber, Inc.
New York, NY
John Bachmann
Managing Principal
Edward Jones
St. Louis, MO
Meredith Bagby
Board Member
Third Millennium
New York, NY
Max Baucus
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC
James E. Bayne
Manager, Benefits Finance & Investment
Exxon Corporation
Irving, TX
Theodore R. Benna
401(k) Association
Cross Fork, PA
Appendix 2: Appointed and Statutory Delegates
Appointed Delegates
Dianne Bennett
Partner and President
Hodgson Russ Andrews Woods & Goodyear LLP
Buffalo, NY
James Bentley
Senior Vice President for Strategic Policy
American Hospital Association
Washington, DC
John H. Biggs
Chairman, President & CEO
New York, NY
Richard Billings
R.L. Billings and Company
Sioux City, IA
Jay W. Bixby
National Conference on Public Employee
Washington, DC
J. Kenneth Blackwell
State of Ohio
Columbus, OH
David S. Blitzstein
Director, Negotiated Benefits
United Food and Commercial Workers International
Washington, DC
Phyllis C. Borzi
Of Counsel
O’Donoghue & O’Donoghue
Washington, DC
Jon Boscia
Lincoln National Corporation
Fort Wayne, IN
John Brennan
Chairman and CEO
The Vanguard Group
Malvern, PA
Eli Broad
Chairman and CEO
SunAmerica, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Colette Browne
Associate Professor
University of Hawaii School of Social Work
Honolulu, HI
Ellen A. Bruce
Associate Director
Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Donald J. Butt
Vice President
U.S. WEST Investment Management Company
Englewood, CO
Paula Calimafde
Small Business Council of America
Bethesda, MD
Joyce D. Campbell
Communications Director
Senator Bob Dole
Washington, DC
Carroll A. Campbell, Jr.
President and CEO
American Council of Life Insurance
Washington, DC
Hilda M. Cannon
Director-Retirement Programs
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Atlanta, GA
Marshall N. Carter
Chairman & CEO
State Street Corporation
Boston, MA
David Certner
Senior Coordinator, Economic Issues
American Association of Retired Persons
Washington, DC
Pamela Cipriano
Chair, Congress on Nursing Economics
American Nurses Association
Washington, DC
Nelson D. Civello
Sr. Executive Vice President
Dain Rauscher Incorporated
Minneapolis, MN
William L. Clay, Jr.
Missouri General Assembly
Jefferson City, MO
Christopher Clements
Sales Manager
Golden Eagle Distributors
Tucson, AZ
James Collins
Executive Director
North Dakota Public Employees’ Retirement System
Bismarck, ND
Wiilliam Dale Crist
California Public Employees’ Retirement System
Sacramento, CA
Jerome Dattel
Senior Vice President - Regional Manager
Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
Sheryl H. Davenport
St. Louis Teachers and School Related Personnel
St Louis, MO
John D. Davenport
Education Chairman
International Foundation for Retirement
Oklahoma City, OK
Clinton Demetriou
Director- Health Plans
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.
Tucker, GA
Paul R. Dimond
Senior Counsel
Miller, Caufield, Paddock & Stone
Ann Arbor, MI
Benjamin Domenech
Human Events
Washington, DC
Adam Dubitsky
ABD Communications, Inc.
Washington, DC
Lynn Diehl Dudley
Vice President, Retirement Policy
Association of Private Pension and Welfare Plans
Washington, DC
Ken Duncan
LA State Treasury
Louisiana State Treasury
Baton Rouge, IA
Patricia Dunn
Barclays Global Investors
San Francisco, CA
Pierre S. DuPont
Richards, Layton & Finger
Wilmington, DE
Fredric Edelman
Edelman Financial Services, Inc.
Fairfax, VA
Vickie Elisa
Mothers’ Voices Georgia Chapter
Decatur, GA
Charles E. Elliott
Mississippi Credit Union System
Jackson, MS
John N. Erlenborn
Georgetown University Law Center
Issue, MD
William L. Eubank, Jr.
Member of the Firm
Eubank & Betts, PLLC
Jackson, MS
Shannon Evans
Evans & Associates
Las Vegas, NV
Michael R. Fanning
Central Pension Fund of the International Union of
Operating Engineers
Washington, DC
Harris W. Fawell
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Karen Ferguson
Pension Rights Center
Washington, DC
Peter Ferrara
General Counsel & Chief Economics
Americans for Tax Reform
Washington, DC
Gary Fethke
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Mark Fetting
Prudential Investments Retirement Services
Newark, NJ
Michael Fitzgerald
State Treasurer
State of Iowa
Des Moines, IA
Jonathan Barry Forman
Professor of Law
University of Oklahoma College of Law
Norman, OK
Carolyn Forrest
United Auto Workers
Detroit, MI
Lynn Franzoi
Senior Vice President, Benefits
Fox Group, A News Corporation Company
Beverly Hills, CA
William G. Gale
Senior Fellow
The Brookings Institution
Washington, DC
Robert Garner
Natl Director, Personal Financial Counseling
Ernst & Young LLP
New York, NY
Raymond A. Gaydos
Manager, Profit Sharing
Marriott International Inc.
Washington, DC
Ronald Gebhardtsbauer
Senior Pension Fellow
American Academy of Actuaries
Washington, DC
Sam Gejdenson
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Gary Gentzler
Gentzler & Smith Associates, Inc.
York, PA
Robert A. Georgine
Building and Construction Trades Department,
Washington, DC
Leo W. Gerard
International Secretary/Treasurer
United Steelworkers of America
Pittsburgh, PA
Craig Gholston
Registered Representative
Gen-X Invest
Plano, TX
Dylan Coburn Glenn
Dylan Glenn for Congress
Albany, GA
Lamond Godwin
Peachtree Asset Management
Atlanta, GA
William Goldberg
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Houston, TX
James T. Gordon
American Administration Services Company
Marietta, GA
Vicki Gottlich
National Senior Citizens Law Center
Washington, DC
Brian Graff
Executive Director
American Society of Pension Actuaries
Arlington, VA
Bob Graham
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC
Joseph J. Grano, Jr.
PaineWebber, Inc.
New York, NY
Mathew Greenwald
Mathew Greenwald & Associates
Washington, DC
Sarita Gupta
United States Student Association
Washington, DC
Daniel Halperin
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA
Brent R. Harris
Newport Beach, CA
Thomas J. Healey
Managing Director
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
New York, NY
Teresa Heinz
Teresa and H. John Heinz III Foundation
Washington, DC
Thomas J. Hendricks
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Brookfield, WI
Ellen A. Hennessy
Sr. Vice President
ASA, Inc.
Washington, DC
John T. Herndon
Executive Director
Florida State Board of Administration
Tallahassee, FL
Melissa Hieger
Vice President
Merril Lynch
Boston, MA
Jim Hill
State Treasurer
Oregon State Treasury
Salem, OR
Donald Hill
Director of Computer Services
Georgia Department of Insurance
Atlanta, GA
Amy Holmes
Policy Analyst
Independent Women’s Forum
Washington, DC
Mary Hounsell
Executive Director
Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement
Washington, DC
David R. Hubers
President & CEO
American Express Financial Advisors
Minneapolis, MN
Frank Hurt
International President
Bakery, Confectionery & Tobacco Workers
International Union
Kensington, MD
Marlynne Ingram
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Milton M. Irvin
President & CEO
Blaylock & Partners, L.P.
New York, NY
Richard W. Jackson
Presnell Gage Accounting & Consulting, NFIB
Boise, ID
Regina Jefferson
Associate Professor of Law
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Gloria T. Johnson
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Washington, DC
Karen A. Jordan
President and Co-owner
Alaska Pension Services, Ltd.
Anchorage, AK
Howard Kaloogian
California State Legislature
Sacramento, CA
Alan N. Kanter
Alan N. Kanter & Associates, Inc.
Baltimore, MD
John Kimpel
Senior Vice President/Deputy General Counsel
Fidelity Investments
Boston, MA
Beth Kobliner
Financial Journalist
New York, NY
Leslie Beth Kramerich
Verner, Lipfert
Washington, DC
Robert D. Krinsky
The Segal Company
New York, NY
Barbara J. Krumsiek
President & CEO
Calvert Group, Ltd.
Bethesda, MD
Carmela G. Lacayo
National Association for Hispanic Elderly
Pasadena, CA
Marc Lackritz
Securities Industry Association
Washington, DC
Heather Lamm
Third Millennium
New York, NY
Diahann Lassus
National Association of Women Business Owners
New Providence, NJ
Gerald Letendre
Diamond Casting & Machine Co., Inc.
Holles, NH
William Lucy
International Secretary Treasurer
American Federation of State, County, and Munici-
pal Employees
Washington, DC
Marian Lupu
Executive Director
Pima Council On Aging
Tucson, AZ
Ronald R. Lyons
Stewart Bros. Paint Co.
Alliance, OH
William M. Lyons
President & Chief Operating Officer
American Century Companies, Inc.
Kansas City, MO
Julius A. Maddox
Michigan Education Association
East Lansing, MI
Joseph D. Malone
State Treasurer
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Johnetta Marshall
Older Women’s League
Washington, DC
Phil Matthews
Managing Director
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
New York, NY
Nancy Mayer
General Treasurer
Office of the General Treasurer, Rhode Island
Providence, RI
H. Carl McCall
State Comptroller
New York State Comptroller’s Office
Albany, NY
Douglas J. McCarron
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
Washington, DC
Thomas J. McInerney
Aetna Retirement Services
Hartford, CT
Kevin McRaith
Account Administrator
American Express Trust
Minneapolis, MN
Martha A. McSteen
National Committee To Preserve Social Security
& Medicare
Washington, DC
Ron Merolli
Director, Pension Legislative & Technical Services
National Life of Vermont
Montpelier, VT
Rita D. Metras
Director Benefits Policy, Pension & Savings Plans
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, NY
Virginia Miller
Vice President
Fleet Financial Group
Boston, MA
Daniel Mitchell
Senior Fellow
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, DC
James A. Mitchell
Executive Vice President
American Express Financial Advisors
Minneapolis, MN
Charles Moody
C.D. Moody Construction Co., Inc.
Lithonia, GA
Lena Moore
Paul Junior High School
Washington , DC
Dana M. Muir
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan Business School
Ann Arbor, MI
Alicia H. Munnell
Peter Drucker Chair
Boston College Carroll School of Management
Chestnut Hill, MA
Heather Nauert
Pioneer Strategies, Inc.
Washington, DC
Richard Neal
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Byron Oliver
CIGNA Retirement & Investment
Hartford, CT
Anna Padia
Human Rights Director
The Newspaper Guild of the Communications
Washington, DC
Martha Priddy Patterson
Director, Employee Benefits Policy
KPMG Compensation & Benefits Practice
Washington, DC
Aubrey Patterson
Chairman and CEO
BancorpSouth, Inc.
Tupelo, MS
Donald Payne
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Martha Phillips
Executive Director
Concord Coalition
Washington, DC
Susan M. Phillips
Federal Reserve System
Washington, DC
Michael Pietzsch
Senior Attorney
Polese, Pietzsch, Williams & Nolan, P.A.
Phoenix, AZ
Jeffrey Pollock
NH Business Development Corporation
Manchester, NH
Earl Pomeroy
Member of Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Kenneth Porter
Chief Actuary
The DuPont Company
Wilmington, DE
Richard Prey
Sr. Vice President
The Principal Financial Group
Des Moines, IA
Louis E. Prezeau
President & CEO
City National Bank of New Jersey
Newark, NJ
Curtis L. Pringle
California State Assembly
Sacramento, CA
Steve Protulis
Executive Director
National Council of Senior Citizens
Silver Spring, MD
Anna M. Rappaport
William M. Mercer, Inc
Chicago, IL
Ronald W. Readmond
International Equity Partners,Ltd.
Washington, DC
Frank Ready
Executive Director
Public Employees’ Retirement System of MS
Jackson, MS
Beth I. Renge
Renge Securities & Co., Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Hans Riemer
Washington, DC
Elaine Roberts
South Dakota Education Association/NEA
Pierre, SD
Pati Robinson
Director, Benefits & HRMS
Westin Hotels & Resorts
Seattle, WA
Elaine Rosen
UNUM Life Insurance Company of America
Portland, ME
Robert Rozen
Washington Counsel, P.C.
Washington, DC
Heather Ruth
The Bond Market Association
New York, NY
John K. Ryan
SEIU Local 74
Glenn Head, NY
Elisa Sanchez
MANA, A National Latina Organization
President and CEO
Washington, DC
Linda R. Savitsky
Director, Municipal Finance Services
Government Finance Officers of U.S. and Canada
Hartford, CT
Andrea B. Schlesinger
Program Director
Social Security Challenge
New York, NY
Eugene Schweikert
Volunteer/A.V.P. Commercial
Economic Security 2000 Nations Bank
Charleston, SC
Robert T. Scully
Executive Director
National Association of Police Organizations, Inc.
Washington, DC
Susan Serota
Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts
New York, NY
Gerald Shea
Washington, DC
Samuel J. Simmons
President and CEO
The National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
Washington, DC
Fredric S. Singerman
Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson
Washington, DC
Maceo K. Sloan
Chairman and CEO
NCM Capital Management Group, Inc.
Durham, NC
William H. Song
Davies, Roberts & Reid
Seattle, WA
Randi L. Starr
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Pittsburgh, PA
John L. Steffens
Vice Chairman of the Board
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Plainsboro, NJ
Ken Steiner
Consulting Actuary
Watson Wyatt Worldwide
Wellesley, MA
C. Eugene Steuerle
Senior Fellow
The Urban Institute
Washington, DC
Victoria L. Swaja
Business Analyst
Information Network Corporation
Phoenix, AZ
Leland Harris Swenson
National Farmers Union
Aurora, CO
Richard Thau
Executive Director
Third Millennium
New York, NY
Fernando Torres-Gil
Associate Dean, School of Public Policy
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Marian Tse
Goodwin, Procter & Hoar LLP
Boston, MA
Sandra Turner
Sandra R. Turner & Associates, Inc.
Oviedo, FL
Thomas C. Walker
Associated Benefits Corporation
West Des Moines, IA
Kim N. Wallace
Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Washington, DC
Brad Walsh
Mitchell McNutt Threadgill Smith & Sams, PA
Oxford, MS
Sunny Warren
4th Congressional District of GA
Norcross, GA
Eugene R. Waschbusch
National Council on Teacher Retirement
Saint Paul, MN
Carolyn Weaver
Director, Social Security and Pension Studies
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, DC
Milton Wells
Wells & Associates
Washington, DC
James M. Wordsworth
J.R.’s Goodtimes, Inc.
McLean, VA
Albert C. Zapanta
President & CEO
U.S. Mexico Chamber of Commerce
Washington, DC
James W. Ziglar
Managing Director
PaineWebber, Inc.
Washington, DC
Roger H. Zion
60 Plus Association
Washington, DC
Statutory Delegates
Congressional Members
1. Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House
2. Richard Gephardt, House Minority Leader
3. Trent Lott, Majority Leader of the Senate
4. Tom Daschle, Minority Leader of the Senate
5. William Goodling, Chairman, House Committee on Education and the Workforce
6. William Clay, Ranking Member, House Committee on Education and the Workforce
7. James Jeffords, Chairman, Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
8. Edward Kennedy, Ranking Member, Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
9. Charles Grassley, Chairman, Senate Special Committee on Aging
10. John Breaux, Ranking Member, Senate Special Committee on Aging
11. John Edward Porter, Chairman, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
12. David Obey, Ranking Member, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
13. Arlen Specter, Chairman, Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services,
14. Tom Harkin, Ranking Member, Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
Services, Education
Heads of Federal Departments & Agencies as Designated by the President
15. Albert Gore Jr., Vice President of the United States
16. Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor
17. Olena Berg, Assistant Secretary of Labor, Pension & Welfare Benefits Administration
18. Robert Rubin, Secretary of Treasury
19. Lawrence Summers, Deputy Secretary of Treasury
20. Charles Rossotti, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service
21. David Strauss, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
22. Aida Alvarez, Administrator, Small Business Administration
23. Arthur Levitt, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
24. Donna E. Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services
25. Daniel Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture
26. William Daley, Secretary of Commerce
27. Richard Riley, Secretary of Education
28. Kenneth S. Apfel, Social Security Administrator
29. Roger W. Mehle, Executive Director, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
30. Ellen Seidman, Director, Office of Thrift Supervision
31. Janice R. Lachance, Director, Office of Personnel Management
32. William Cohen, Secretary of Defense
ASEC Board Members (Charter Partners)
33. Matthew Fink, President, Investment Company Institute, Washington, DC
34. Josephine Tsao, Vice President, Global Compensation and Benefits, IBM, Armonk, NY
35. Thomas L. West, Jr., Chairman and CEO, VALIC, Houston, TX
36. John Turner, Chairman & CEO, ReliaStar Financial Services, Minneapolis, MN
37. C. Robert Henrickson, Senior Executive Vice President, Metlife, New York, NY
38. Dallas Salisbury, President & CEO, Employee Benefit Research Institute (Chairman - ASEC),
Washington, DC
39. Don Blandin, President, American Savings Education Council (ASEC), Washington, DC
Caroline Berver
Press Assistant
Senator Bob Graham
Washington, DC
William R. Casey
Director, Human Resources and Training
Office of Thrift Supervision
Washington, DC
Alisone Clarke
Director of Benefits
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Washington, DC
Diane J. Cloutier
Assistant Chief, Human Resources
Office of Thrift Supervision
Washington, DC
Sidney M. Conley
Assistant Director for Retirement Programs
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Washington, DC
Patricia Crawford
Legislative Associate
Committee on Education and the Workforce
Washington, DC
Francis Creighton
Legislative Assistant
Representative Sam Gejdenson
Washington, DC
James M. Delaplane, Jr.
Legislative Counsel
Representative Earl Pomeroy
Washington, DC
Rudy de Leon
Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel & Readiness
U.S. Department of Defense
Washington, DC
Courtney J. Disch
Legislative Assistant
Senator Christopher Dodd
Washington, DC
Julie Domenick
Executive Vice President
Investment Company Institute
Washington, DC
Reba P. Evans
Assistant Secretary for Departmental Administration
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC
David L. Frank
House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Washington, DC
Caroline Fredrickson
Senator Thomas Daschle
Washington, DC
Maria Freese
Legislative Assistant
Senator Max Baucus
Washington, DC
William D. Fritts, Jr.
Vice President, Government Relations
ReliaStar Financial Corp.
Minneapolis, MN
Scott Gast
Legislative Assistant
Speaker Newt Gingrich
Washington, DC
Carol D. Gold
Director, Employee Plans Division
Internal Revenue Service
Washington, DC
Jill Greenlee
Professional Staff Member
Senate Special Committee on Aging
Washington, DC
Ginger Gregory
Assistant to the Economic Advisor
Senator Trent Lott
Washington, DC
Christina L. Hamilton
Senior Legislative Assistant
Representative David Obey
Washington, DC
Diann Howland
Pension Policy Advisor
Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
Washington, DC
Alternate Statutory Delegates
J. Mark Iwry
Tax Benefit Council
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Washington, DC
Elizabeth Ann Liess
Senate Special Committee on Aging
Washington, DC
Matthew Levin
Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
Washington, DC
Meredith Miller
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Pension & Welfare Benefits Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
Washington, DC
Russell J. Mueller
House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Washington, DC
Ridge Multop
Senior Economic Advisor
Representative Richard Gephardt
Washington, DC
Sharon Dillon Robinson
The Center For Retirement Education/VALIC
American General Retirement Services
Houston, TX
David M. Sander
Legislative Fellow
Representative John Porter
Washington, DC
Donald Sauvigne
Program Director, US Pension & Capital
Accumulation Programs
IBM Corporation
North Tarrytown, NY
Judy Schub
Asst Executive Director
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Washington, DC
Nancy Smith
Director, Office of Investor Education
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC
Kathleen Sullivan
Legislative Director
Representative Richard Neal
Washington, DC
Jeanette Takamura
Assistant Secretary for Aging
U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources
Washington, DC
Vicki Trietsch
Director of Human Resources Group
U.S. Department of Education
Washington, DC
Jack VanDerhei
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Washington, DC
Sharon Watson
Director of Program Services
Pension & Welfare Benefits Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
Washington, DC
Gail E. Weber
Sr. Vice President, Human Resources &
Corporate Services
New England Financial, a MetLife Affiliate
Boston, MA
Gail Weiss
Staff Director
House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Washington, DC
Mary Ellen Withrow
Treasurer of the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Washington, DC
Paul J. Yakoboski
Director of Research
American Savings Education Council
Washington, DC
Appendix 3: Break-Out Group Full Listing of Barriers and Opportunities
These ideas were suggested by individual Summit participants. They do not represent a consensus. They
were not prioritized.
A. Dark Blue Group
The group cited a number of economic “realities” that it says militate against retirement saving:
It is hard for working people to save.
Individuals and employers often take a short-term view, focusing on more immediate concerns than
on retirement.
Part-time and older workers, as well as cyclical workers, often lack access to retirement plans.
Women face special complications arising from periodic interruptions in the careers to raise children
and from divorce.
Post-retirement health issues often are not addressed in retirement planning.
The group identified specific types of education needs:
How much saving is needed for retirement.
We need a broader definition of “security.”
Employers need a better understanding of existing retirement programs, such as SIMPLE and SEP
Employees need to be more aware of the bargaining power they have during times of high employ-
ment. They can demand more coverage with respect to employer-sponsored retirement plans.
People need help in understanding the impact of inflation. Reporting accumulated balances in
nominal terms may mislead some employees.
The media need to be educated on how to report financial issues.
Private-sector opportunities include:
Education projects.
Payroll deductions and direct deposit for IRA investments.
Invite workers’ spouses to attend retirement-planning seminars for employees.
Educate people on the costs of retirement.
Use regular statements for investors as a tool to educate.
Consultants and service providers may need to push employers to cover the rank and file.
Offer stock options.
Remove barriers to portability.
Possible public-sector initiatives include:
Education projects that start at a young age.
Create stronger public demand.
A national campaign tailored after the “Buy War Bonds” effort.
Try to decrease consumerism.
Create tax incentives, or perhaps eliminate taxes on savings.
The government should conduct a survey or analysis of existing trends in defined benefit (DB) and
defined contribution (DC) plans.
Stimulate new saving rather than the transfer of existing assets.
The group agreed that collaborative efforts would be useful. Some examples of these include:
Link employers with someone else to increase trust among employees.
Develop curriculum, public service announcements and media advertisements.
Develop financial-planning curriculum for high schools and colleges.
Groups like the Chamber of Commerce and various labor unions should promote pension concepts
to their members.
Encourage voluntary but automatic enrollment and contributions in retirement plans.
B. Gold Group
Barriers to Individuals
1. For many Americans, earnings and benefits are just too low
2. Many Americans are in minimum wage jobs and part-time work
3. Median household earnings is just $35,000
4. Half of all working Americans earn less than $28,000
5. Women often have episodic work experiences with time off from the labor force and lower job tenure
6. Stagnate earnings for many
Individuals must be responsible
1. There is a lot of financial illiteracy among the population
2. The system incorrectly assumes that people have the necessary information and choose to use it
3. We often lack tools to choose
4. Complexity is mind boggling to some
5. On the other hand, we tend to overregulate rather than rely on individual responsibility
6. Many individuals do not enter workforce with a savings habit
Half of Americans do not have access to retirement savings plans through their employers, often due to
disincentives imposed by the government on employers.
Americans live in a culture where debt and consumption is encouraged. People need to pay off their
Strong need for education
1. Save for what? Retirement vs. other savings options
2. Cultural and language barriers to information
3. Not enough government programs encourage savings
4. You must save before investing, and people must be educated to save. Investing can be assisted by
5. There is no long-term track record for 401(k) plans which demonstrates the consequences of inad-
equate management and/or inadequate asset allocation to the general public.
1. Too high! Not enough money left to invest
2. Current tax structure penalized savings, especially the homeowners’ tax benefit
3. There are no tax credits for employers spending money on educating individual workers
IRA deduction rules are difficult
1. Taxes can be disincentives to individuals from having multiple savings vehicles
There are no national savings goals for individuals
We can’t invest our own FICA funds
Television and popular cultural outlets do not cover retirement issues
There need to be rewards for the savings vs. consumption tradeoff
Remember: legislation calls for savings for all Americans, not just workers
Barriers to Employers
Litigation/fiduciary risk both in general and in regards to giving investment advice
Regulation, although recent history of pension fund mismanagement underscores some need for regula-
tory oversight
Company financial constraints—no competitive advantage to sponsorship
Complex administrative burdens to companies
There are two issues: savings through pensions and encouraging personal savings
Costs are direct, indirect, and psychological
1. Employers need to know what benefits they can gain through sponsorship
2. Employers need to appreciate the value in human capital resources
3. Employees would request retirement savings plans if they were better informed
4. Educate in savings vs. investment options
5. There are social taboos to talking about your financial/retirement statues
6. Teach kids the value of compounding—they will teach parents
7. Not enough highly visible examples of what happens to people who don’t save for retirement
8. Social Security is relatively generous now compared to what will happen in the future
1. Private sector does not market employer plans
2. They need multiemployer features for non/union; non/religious plans to make the market competi-
3. There would be economies of scale if the tax laws or regulations eliminated any barriers to more
broad-based participant-directed multiple employer plans.
Standardize plan design options
Estate tax laws cause small businesses to use resources to protect their overall business
Portability constraints: we should be able to roll over from 401(k) to 403(b) to 457 plans without a
Current law does not allow employees to put in enough money for themselves.
No tax credit for employers to establish and contribute to plans
Regulations are inflexible
Barriers to increasing public awareness
No sufficient media coverage for these issues
No meaningful education in this area
1. Lower-income individuals need to know you can start with small amounts
2. Education that does exist focuses on those who have money to save/invest
3. Should focus on schools/colleges
Rich people are doing the decision making on this topic for problems they don’t have
We are not consulting with the people who actually have these problems
What can the private sector do?
Serious education effort
1. Sitcoms, mass media, prime time exposure
2. Educate employers on significance of human capital investment
3. Create savings habit among Americans
4. Modify the “I want money now” habit of employees
Payroll deductions increase participation
Provide tax credit for immediate gratification to employers who participate
Augment power of employer fund matching
Employers should mandate participation
Private sector should study—then provide data on what works best
Resolve portability problems with defined benefit plans and readdress them—they work. Particularly
when simple. And they work for lower-income employees. Add defined contribution as “3
leg of stool”
Offer pay raises, then encourage employees to invest them
Reverse match
Automatic enrollment-negative consent
For small employers: simple, easy, portable, safe incentives, with safe harbors and adequate protection
Need “catch up capability”
Need higher dollar limits
How about a universal 401(k)?
Raise cashout penalties to encourage preservation of funds
Have credit card companies provide 1% savings incentives to users
In 457 plan, offer match ($300) to increase participation rates
What can the public sector do?
Increase monetary limits on all plans
Find out if tax expenditures tradeoffs help all Americans or just the wealthy
Social Security is mandatory; make private pensions mandatory
The federal thrift savings plan mandates education for all federal workers- some type of incentives need
to be developed to encourage other employers to do likewise
Lower taxes
Fix Social Security without raising taxes
Streamline regulations
Provide incentives—people will respond
Change vesting from five to three years to help women and minorities
Lower litigation risk so people can get not only education, but advice
Tax all income only once
Adjust original 1944 personal exemption for inflation (would be about $9,000 per person) to make more
money available for individuals to invest
Allow FICA contributions to be deducted
For lower-income workers, give a government match or tax credit
Income payroll deduction incentives
C. Green Group
The order is strictly by occurrence and does not imply importance.
Barriers to Save for Retirement: Individuals
No motivation to save for retirement
Barely make ends meet
High tax rates
Pension plan restrictions and lack of availability
IRA restrictions
No other tax breaks for savings other IRAs that individuals can do by themselves
Self-induced desire for more and better items
Affordability when already live month to month
Limitations for higher income individuals and no catch up provisions in either IRAs or pensions
Setting priorities in order to make retirement savings achievable
Lack confidence that small amounts can make a difference
A lack of education—do not know how much to save or how to save.
A theme emerging of a lack of motivation, restrictions on savings, and a lack of education on how, when,
what, where, and why to save
Some individuals live on cash, no checking accounts because they are afraid of banks and schools do not
teach simple checkbook use
Disagree with motivation to save, people will save for a car, house, etc., not for retirement
Saving is even good for low-income people
Need to teach responsibility for oneself for retirement and health needs
Credit card education—individuals consume and spend, buying into messages of having to have every-
thing but not learning until after the fact the difficulty of paying back the credit card loan
Baby Boomers and Generation X need different types of education
Learn the 8
Wonder of the World—Compound Interest
Need Savings Clubs and stamp books to bring back thinking about savings
In Massachusetts, 11 banks match with schools to have children open bank accounts and learn the
basics of economics and embrace math through the use of money
People say the schools should do it, but that is not enough; everybody needs to help educate and banks,
etc. should be going to schools to teach basics of savings
Too complicated to save; need simplification and the challenge to do so is difficult with the many compli-
Process is complicated, how to do it , the forms to fill out the choices to make
Understand the need but they do not have the desire and have fear of doing it wrong
Students graduate with large debt which forces them into the credit card cycle
Parents do not teach the importance of saving
There is not a savings ethic in this country, and beyond that people do not have strategies to accomplish
Do not know where to put the money
Companies or individuals are concerned when teaching becomes advising
Even though there is regulation, investments scams still occur
There are curriculums to savings education, but teachers are not comfortable teaching them
In many, cases teachers are pressed just to accomplish teaching the three R’s; difficult to add in savings
Plenty of informal education on violence, drugs, etc. but nothing on savings no positive media portrayal
of saving
People do not have time to learn or do not take the time to learn about saving
Education needs to be simple; otherwise people will be embarrassed to ask questions or pursue further
People do know why to save or what is needed
Figures that are thrown out by investment companies about what baby boomers need to save ares large
and sound like potentially unrealistic and unattainable numbers
These numbers are supposed to scare people into action, but in many cases scare people into inaction
Fear of retirement needs leads to futility and hopelessness
Need to counter self-gratification culture and delay purchases to be better off in the future
It is too easy to spend retirement savings when changing jobs.
Rules are too complex to start saving and too liberal to take out of savings accounts. IRAs should be for
retirement—thus their name.
Individuals who do spend their retirement money instead of rolling it over do not realize the full taxes
on withdrawals until it is too late.
Hard to put the abstract need to save for retirement into concrete need
People do not think they are going to live long enough to need the money
Do not set goals, therefor no action
Who should be educated to save? Baby boomers could be a model for everyone to learn from
People avoid savings because they have a math phobia
Do not want to think about being old
Barriers to Offer Pensions: Employers
People do not have the ability to participate because of what the employer does
Educate employers on the need to offer pension plans—it makes good business sense
Mergers of companies lead to payouts, since the rules to integrate the pensions are very complex.
Is the money really there when the employer changes providers?
Lack trust in employer’s use of the employee’s money
Media helps create uneasiness by focusing on the 0.01 percent of bad 401(k) plans when 99.99 percent
are run correctly
Small companies scared off by all the rules to offer a plan
Income discrimination rules scare off employers
The reporting requirements do so also
Large employers have the resources to overcome the complicated rules so they are able to offer pensions
whereas small companies do not have the resources
Difficult to merge plans
If the plan does something wrong the penalties are too large
The rules are more complex for defined benefit plans, thus their use is discouraged
Employers need to work with government to address the pension system instead of being at odds with it
Employers have fear of unknown rulings that can lead them to liability for actions that seem correct
The owner of the company must care about retirement savings and recognize that to retain and recruit
employees pensions are necessary
Small employers are particularly concerned about liability for a loss to the retiree and not enough of a
Employees prefer medical and cash benefits
This tends to vary by occupation
First benefit desired is health, but it is not either/or
However, the cost of health care drives out pensions
Many of the changes to the pension rules makes it more difficult to stay qualified and are costly to
comply with
Four sets of rules for different types of employers limit portability
Combine small employers to cut down on administrative costs
Savings Co-ops
Tap expertise of private sector large firms to mentor small firms
Allow the free enterprise of all retirement products
Make rules easier to offer pension plans
Immigrant aid groups create pools of individuals that lead to the creations of credit unions
Work with social services to create saving programs along with other activities for needy groups
Employer education
What are the problems? Many rules on pensions were revenue driven. Loss of tax deductions lead to
the discouragement of savings.
Mechanisms to address these issues. Summit respresents first discussion. Blue Ribbon bipartisan
commission to examine all regulations to simplify but retain protections—no more piece-by-piece
Governments use taxes and lotteries that discourage savings
Savings campaigns have been pieces here and there no focus on top, no leadership to coordinate efforts
to develop key messages and programs
Several government agencies with conflicting rules regulate pensions. One pension agency would be of
great use. Presently, the agencies compete instead of cooperating
Caution on Blue Ribbon commission, since a 1980s task force had 200 recommendations but none were
implemented. Not lack of ideas; a lack of action
Need large groups of people to look at these issues, so everybody has a part in the process, not a small
group of experts
Create tax incentives to save other than through pensions, that go straight to the individual to avoid
pension complexities
Complete tax structure changes to encourage savings, not discourage it
Social service programs can teach workshops for low-income workers; have had some success with
women in increasing their savings from these workshops that have made savings understandable
Section 8 housing programs could include teaching money management classes and the importance of
Create TIAA-CREF model pensions for portability for small employers
Self-sufficiency education for welfare families should include savings education
American Savings Education Council (ASEC) has a clearinghouse of education materials on savings
Jump$tart Coalition teaches children grades K-12 basic principles of savings; it is a bipartisan partner-
ship of public and private entities and is expanding its reach
Summit Report should contain an action agenda and measurable goals to see results for 2001
Goals need to be set
Establishing benchmarks to compare results of various groups and subsets on progress in saving, such
as increasing the private savings rate from 5.5 percent to 8 percent. Increase small employer pension
plan participation from 20 percent to 25 percent
Middle income tend to the better savers, so education really needs to address all income categories
Focus on particular areas
Incentives such as large employer matches get individuals to participate
Labor unions will continue to work for the expansion of defined benefit pension plans and higher wages
as well as all pensions in general
A call for all Summit participants in various sectors and organizations to do the same
Pension rules need to be simplified, clarified and measured
Create trust between employers and employees
Communicate a message on the importance of savings
Establish a marketing campaign that includes different messages for different groups
Get the mass media to buy into the importance of savings and a savings campaign
Media has already started to give public service announcement time
Every form of media needs to be involved some form of partnership between the groups
Universities should create savings education programs not only for the students but for the community
It is a big job to reach out to all people, so all individuals need to go face to face with people to convince
them of the importance of savings
Recognizable symbol to reinforce the importance of savings, a “gold ribbon” and bumper stickers, etc
Simple statement of IRA and pension rules with tax forms
Create coalitions such as those through Good Housekeeping Magazine
Keep all participants connected to continue to work on the goals of the Summit, the Summit report
should contain a clearinghouse so this can be done
Communicate the idea to keep it out there
Establish a network that can work to achieve savings goals
Let people know now where to go; don’t make them go look for it
Get state governments involved to create competition among states
State regulators work to promote every high school student understand financial basics
A simple test of regulation changes: does it help low, moderate, or limited income increase savings
Regulation changes should include all income groups to increase savings
Education should just be on savings but also on the much neglected need for pay-out phase education
D. Light Blue Group
Barriers Faced by Individuals
High taxes make it hard to save (need to cut wasteful government spending)
Lack of knowledge/skill base at the individual level
Falling real incomes since the 1970s
Better individual savings vehicles needed; plus people need education to help them manage these
Absence of commitment to a high-wage economy
Lack of focus by individuals on retirement savings
Lack of disposable income, especially for women and minorities
Society is focused on consumption, not thrift; there is a lack of teaching on thrift
Need to raise expectations at the community level, especially minority communities
People do not have the dollars to save; some live beyond their means; misuse of credit; lack of access
to “discount” stores for many
Education that helps people understand how much is needed
Mandatory saving needed for those who lack means
Lack of opportunity in the workplace
Mindset stuck in parents’ defined benefit world where workers were taken care of; people do not under-
stand that they are largely on their own now
Lack of appreciation for shift in risk with growth of defined contribution plans; need continued role for
defined benefit plans
Tax structure encourages binge buying at refund time
Lack of group structure to help part-time workers
Need portability and need to discourage spending of premature distributions from plans
Women and minorities face special economic challenges (such as lack of insurance and access to credit)
Lack of family and societal commitment to the idea that everyone can save
Increasing cost of higher education
Attacks on affirmative action hurting educational opportunities
Use to learn to save at early ages at home and school
Lack of employer participation as evidenced by shift from defined benefit to less generous defined
contribution plans
Barriers Faced by Employers
Very small businesses (under 25 workers) need a tax benefit
Regulations and the accompanying penalties are a deterrent
Need incentives and fewer regulations
Need reasonable compliance standards
Complex laws and regulations, and the accompanying costs
Employers need education so they can choose the plan that is the best fit
High employee turnover is a deterrent to offering a plan
Cost of determining taxes; high taxes; high liability insurance rates; high cost of doing business
Shift to equities in retirement accounts and the increased cost of equity
Lack of employee interest; employee demand will motivate employers
Employer contributions will motivate workers
Need education of employers as well as employees
Employee mobility leads to lack of demand
When companies offer plans, they need to establish trust that the benefits will be there
Worry about education crossing line into advice and the legal liability that then follows
Lack of employer/employee loyalty due to frequent job change
Employers are shifting burden to employees; employer contributions have gone down; often contribute
only via a match if worker first contributes
Lack of resources among small employers and employees prefer training if forced to choose
Complexity of pension laws and regulations; cost of compliance is a problem if a plan is offered
Barriers to Increasing Public Awareness of the Value of Saving for Retirement
People know they should save, but they lack the ability to save; they need plans and education
With diversity in the workplace, employers cannot do it all
Need to compete with a consumption-oriented society
Need to reach public with advertisements, especially directed at lower income earners
Lack of knowledge among public about how much is needed to retire
People need to know how much to save
Lack of moral outrage at things such as lotteries that prey on the most vulnerable
Institutions that could make it happen with dollars need to step up to the plate (banks, mutual funds,
insurance companies, etc.)
Financial institutions need to develop trust
Market failure, i.e., lack of incentives to market to low income workers
IRC section 415 can penalize low-income workers at the time of retirement
People expect the government to take care of them if they don’t do it themselves; this results in a lack
of urgency
Don’t teach thrift to kids
Sec. 415 can limit what people can legally save in a plan at work
Need it to become a true national priority
Need catch-up provisions in retirement plans; allow people to save more at later ages when they are
better able to save
What Can the Private Sector and other Non-Governmental Organizations Do?
Educate the public as to what is available and what they can do for them
Sponsor more plans and generate new types of plans
Expand model of multiemployer plans
Give part-time workers access to pensions
Target worker participation when workers receive raises
Get the financial industry more focused on lower-income workers
Better disclosure to participants of how plans work
Need increased education for workers on an ongoing basis
Employer has a moral obligation to offer some retirement benefit, government needs to make this easy
Establish attitude of thrift for the company that then impacts workers’ attitudes and behavior
Create culture of savings and thrift
Cannot separate government from the employer side
Financial institutions need to go after untapped markets (e.g., minorities); it is good business; it may
require new strategies
Company needs to raise the profile of an offered plan
What Can the Public Sector Do?
Educate the public on how to manage money
Admit that current and past efforts have not raised savings; and therefore, alter the way we tax
Tax incentives drive behavior
Make this a real national priority over time
Extend incentives to low-income people
Take a look at the complexity of pension laws
Lower the tax rate on money removed in retirement from savings plans
Cut complexity for small businesses
Eliminate the double-taxation of savings
Reduce the tax burden to increase disposable income
Lead by example in terms of how public sector workers are treated with retirement plans
Employer-paid pension program
Income tax exclusion on pension benefits for lower income individuals
Change the estate tax treatment of pension benefits
Encourage individual responsibility
Don’t expect employers to carry the whole load
Better government communications, especially in non-English
Policy change to decrease vesting time from five years to three years
Simplify reporting requirements for plan sponsors
Understand the implications of the types of plans offered
Make defined benefit plans attractive again
Eliminate/relax 415 constraints for multiemployer plans
Mandatory universal pension
Universal individual accounts
Abolish inheritance tax
Set example by controlling government spending
Drop the view that small plans are skewed to the wealthy few
Consumer culture is driven by TV today; public service announcements (PSAs) needed to encourage
saving and counter the consumer culture
Create tax incentives for phantom stocks given to employees
Need structure to help people move in workplace as they work their way up
Decrease PBGC premiums and requirements on small plans
PBGC needs to reward well-funded defined benefit plans
Extend PBGC lost participant program to defined contribution participants
Create simplified “defined benefit” plan for small businesses
Provide everyone with the opportunity to save by diverting money from somewhere, such as Social
Increase the minimum wage
Accept more regional prototypes
Drop user fees for submitting plan to government
E. Orange Group
Barriers to Retirement Savings
A. What are the barriers individuals face in saving for retirement?
Retirement savings vs. other commitments
10% penalty in 401(k) plans early withdrawal discourages participation
Income or lack thereof
Wage growth rate
Perception of the size or amount needed to be saved
Integration with other benefits
Taxes taking too much
Attitude: Is saving a habit?
Understanding the need to save
Unique to U.S. history—first generation being asked to support their own retirement with personal
Lack of portability
Cultural barrier
Statutory requirements
Clear focus of requirement
Lack of individual personal advice from a young age
Fail to understand benefit of compounding interest
Taxes too high
Fear of lost principle
Fear that someone else will get my money
Fear of making a mistake
Fear government will change the rules
Social Security creates false sense of security
Consumer gratification
Understanding current benefits offered
Education on impact of inflation
Women leaving workforce
Choices made with existing funds
Health care costs
Employer cost sharing increasing for health care
Comparison with earlier generations—earlier not as good savers
Lack of understanding of life expectancy
Education about Social Security—lulled into complacency
Tax disincentive take too much of earnings
Marketing to spend—too materialistic (consumption vs. savings)
Competing priorities
Government micromanaging retirement policy (used to rely on qualified professionals; now trying to
codify everything)
Message not entertaining or positive
Lack of government incentive to save
Past generations saved differently
Social Security was a greater resource for past generations
More mobile society has created less pension savings (i.e., leave investment money behind)
Vesting schedules discourage portability
Pension preservation
Changing family structure
B. What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help their employees
prepare for retirement?
Complex regulations
Discrimination testing
Fear of governments constantly changing the rules
Putting in place a pension plan—fear of making mistakes
Individuals want cash over pension benefits
Make DB and DC plans portable
Lack of employer income
Employer taxes too high
Financial pressures from other sources
Changing political nature of pension policy
Difficulty in communicating value of DB plan
Limited by regulations
Understanding mortality risks
Retiree medical coverage costs
Accounting rules too complex
Employer incentives
Erosion of employer sense of obligation
Employer education
Inadequate amounts saved
Plans not adapted to mobile society
Deregulated, global environment for companies make bottom line essential
Large employer: value of DB is not understood by employees
Employers must explain vast amount to employees (Can cause cost concerns for small employers)
Agency (PBGC) premiums for DB plans—variable income year to year (causes problems)
Make DB plans portable to help employers
Quest for fairness is a barrier
Recession could erode what is now so rosy—change the course Congress takes back to deficit reduc-
Employer lack of understanding of process
Lack of employee loyalty
Lack of employer loyalty
Complex regulatory system
Concern over downturns in economy; pension rules are whipsawed by revenue/deficit concerns
Fiduciary barrier backlash
Potential law suits
Court rules come after the fact
More difficult to get fiduciaries in the future
Fear that you will be out of compliance
C. What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the value of saving for retirement?
Time constraints for individuals
No information on retirement issues prior to first job
Elevate societal awareness to spur on development of education programs
Need to learn to speak to people effectively—avoid jargon
Start education before high school
Small employers don’t have expertise for education
Financial information is very personal—need one on one
Uncertain who to trust
Vocabulary is difficult—make sure individuals understand
Make retirement savings education start in high school or before
Consumer spending is over-emphasized
Education needs to be personal
Need to overcome the marketing noise that gets turned off
Education: employer to educate employees
Opportunities for Increased Retirement Savings
A. What can the private sector and other non-governmental organizations do to address the
barriers that were identified?
Fear Social Security will not be there to capitalize on
Social Security will be there—but don’t know what to expect
Employers providing pension benefits
More positive education
Remove regulatory and cost barriers for upstart companies
Need to partner with private business and government
Tax incentives to implement benefits programs
Tax credit that is credited against FICA
Change government tax policy to support pensions
Financial incentives to school systems target children
Break from entitlement penalty; need employee responsibility
Partnerships with business and schools—start educating children
Create a regulatory environment to create pension plans
Multiemployer plans to pool costs
Examples of success through a culture of savings
Make it easy to put money away
Create associations that sponsor plans for groups of employees
Easy fiduciary rules
Tax incentives for individuals
Make saving a habit
Direct deposit—cannot be touched until retirement
Libraries and churches can be good modes of communication
Be careful about deregulating fiduciary responsibilities and rules
Need more pre-retirement; explain more than just retirement and career planning
Use other agencies—YMCA
Use TV programming to increase awareness; Oprah financial fitness club; spots on soap operas, sit-
coms, etc.
Commit to community outreach to disadvantaged groups
Experiment with different techniques
Access to non-biased information is needed
Focus on youth and low-income
Remove government
Make education profitable without government mandate
Tie educational activities to core curriculum or math/science (i.e., study compound interest in math)
Financial fitness forum; make free financial advice available (from certified financial planners
Make PSA available at peak viewing times
Technology (Internet, kiosks)—expand education
On-line risk assessments; easy reviewing of status
Agreement on basic principles, reporting techniques, messages on savings
Advertising techniques to emphasize savings
Turn consumerism around
Need risk-free investments
Build confidence that savings will be there when retired
Make savings available in a convenient place (i.e., grocery store; shopping mall)
Take small steps and show positive results
B. What can the public sector do to address the barriers that were identified?
Positive impact of seeing positive results of savings
Caution that the market is not always going to go up
Need to see long-term approach
Make known individual success stories—vignettes; laundry lady who saves weekly = $125,000
Shorten vesting period
Provide better feedback on investments (Social Security list individual investments, but not
matches; with projected outcomes)
Government not mandating plan design
Government needs to be sure a safety net exists for low income (Social Security)
Removal of government rules and regs that are government revenue enhancements
Government tax reform
Remove restrictive government regulations
Formation of a national retirement income policy; all government rules & regulations should fit this
National retirement income policy should endure over time
Change tax brackets so more individuals fall into lower tax brackets
Move to consumption vs. income tax
Establish standardized ways to report and discuss investments (i.e., international standards of
Legislation to guarantee portability
Provide integrated benefits options
Pursue consumption tax idea vs. income tax
Pursue serious tax reform
Orange Breakout Brainstorming Second Day
Other commitments
Separate out government regulations
Government rules not simplified
Government rules that make it difficult for small employers to maintain a plan. Top-heavy rule.
ADP/ACP tests too onerous for small employers
Concern over Congress changing the rules over time
Do not chip at pension rules to ease the deficit
Support catch-up provisions in defined contribution plans
Make regulatory complexity a top priority
Encourage financial literacy in the schools
Need to emphasis support to low-income persons
Profile individuals who are success stories in saving for retirement
Government and business in partnership in the schools
Saver month in the schools
Relieve onerous and complex rules so employers can offer a plan to all employees
Modify contribution limits and discrimination rules
Fewer government mandates on how to operate a plan
Must make coverage available to all employees
Expand on other items: someone needs to understand the risks of long-term care, long-term disabil-
ity, life expectancy
Adequacy the key issue
Make national retirement income policy a priority
Fee disclosure in a partnership of business and government
Take Social Security off the Budget
Increase income limits
Rollovers need to be supported
Make support for low-income persons
Portability: Porter Bill should be supported
Portability amount same from 457 to 401(k) to 403(b) to DB
Support rollovers from one plan to another
Raise 415 limits
Shorten vesting in 401(k)
We concluded that the following three areas should be our top priorities in this order:
1. Education
2. Simplify and incentify
3. National priority of retirement income policy
F. Purple Group
Individual Barriers
Too much complexity (for employers and individuals) and rigidity
IRA rules have become disincentives
lack of portability
inability to have earlier entry plans
Cultural bias toward consumption
consumption over savings
savings is not a national priority
does not consider “life cycle propensity” (i.e., different savings needs at different times in life)
too many other competing priorities
women, minorities, and low-income workers don’t have the money to save
Tax burdens mitigate against retirement savings
no tax incentives to provide cascading of wealth in families
tax system penalizes savings and promotes consumption
Lack of education and trust in savings and financial instruments
too many misconceptions among employers and employees
no attachment of money value in retirement to dollars spent today
little or no early education in family or schools
basic math/financial illiteracy
Employer Barriers
High costs/other priorities
set-up costs
administrative costs
litigation/liability costs
other benefits costs
lack of business nexus
ensuring success of the company
Lack of education
employers and employees don’t understand available programs
Other challenges
employee apathy
lack of employee demand
employee preferences for other benefits
Barriers to Public Awareness
No objective advocate: who do individuals believe?
Overarching Themes
customer-centered solutions
greater public/private non-profit org. partnership
Actions by Public/Private Sectors & Non-Governmental Organizations
Need for greater simplicity, clarity, flexibility, and universal constancy
develop simple, universal IRA for all savings
provide greater portability because of changing avocations
provide for drawing down while accruing (allow employees to retire and collect benefits while
continuing to work)
Need to change cultural savings paradigm
get to people through businesses by providing more flexibility (i.e., expand SEP)
establish national savings priority policy (e.g., national savings bond drive)
provide incentives to encourage savings
encourage credit card companies to teach credit card responsibility
need to prevent leakage of money from retirement savings plans
Need to reduce tax burdens, disincentives, and structural flaws
eliminate tax restrictions for cascading wealth in families
tax credit for 401(k) contributions
allow movement of money among different retirement vehicles
reduce federal tax burden
provide for saved income credit for low-income groups
change tax code to promote savings rather than consumption
provide stronger incentives for small businesses to establish plans
Need more aggressive education programs
public and private sector need to support grass roots organization efforts
need to begin education in family and early school years (with attention to language barriers)
provide for initial and continual education for workers and retirees
educate employers on how to set up low cost plans
G. Red Group
1. What are the barriers individuals face in saving for retirement?
2. What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help employees prepare for retire-
3. What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the value of saving for retirement?
What are the barriers individuals face in saving for retirement?
Awareness of issue
Lack of access to plan
Lack of money
Place in life–consumer debt, student debt
Need disciplined ‘habit’
Assume Social Security will pay…
Other priorities—long term care, education
Values—plan for future not focus
Better understanding of saving for retirement
Unfounded confidence
Other priorities (e.g., long term cares)
Lack of knowledge—not covered in school
Assume will have a defined benefit plan—but these are disappearing
Defined benefit is passive; DC is active
People have to plan for a much longer life
Expect a DB plan
Disappearance of DB
DC plan can give more money
Don’t understand compounding
DB/DC—different challenges—need to be active participant
DB a disincentive to save—or any employer-based plan
Cultural differences—ethnic, immigrants–lack of outreach, trust
Decline of any organized labor—major creator of benefits system
Lack of discretionary income
Paternalism—company will no longer take care of you–marketplace has changed this— lulled people in
the past into not saving
Lack of knowledge of programs
Benefit statement gives individuals incentive
What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help employees prepare for
Rules focus on preventing abuses
Small employers—no strong reason they see to have a plan
Other benefits more desired by small employers’ employees
Reduced vesting period employers feel they’re rewarding employees too soon—direct opposite view by
Mandated—not mandated
Need to communicate in a variety of different languages
Cost: of company contributions—of administering plan
Regulation (IRS, DOL, SEC)—complexity
Discrimination testing; micromanagement of 401(k)s
DB too heavily regulated
Restrictions on top people discourage employers from offering plans
Focus on abuses discourages plans from being offered—stick is bigger than carrot
Retirement plans not a priority—employees do not demand it—want immediate benefits
Incentives not strong enough
Employer/policy objectives clash. Reward longevity v. prepare for retirement
Communication barriers–multi-ethnic workforce
Multiemployer plans—liability of employers drops out
Congress driven by revenue needs, not promoting plans
Federal budget scores benefits as an expenditure
Employers try to make 40-year plans–but rules change year to year for employers and employees
ERISA has been amended too much re: funding requirements
Funding of DB plans—employer should be able to fund-up plans. Limits discourage sponsorship—pre
vs. post fund
Audits regulation has gone after DB plans
PBGC involvement in merger and acquisition activity
Actuarial assumptions—lack of consistency—underfunded/overfunded discourages sponsorship
‘Same desk’ rule in plan mergers. Grandfather different plan provisions
Lack of industry-based multiemployer plans available for small employers—and unresolved inherent
conflicts when you try this (e.g. liability left when one fails)
Pension plans should not be seen as revenue generators
Maximums for DB plans serve as barrier—can’t put more that “x” into it
Fear of lawsuits by employees (on assumptions, statements)
Need better balance between mandates/incentives
What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the value of saving for retirement?
Hard for people to understand various investment vehicles
Schools don’t teach this
Complexity almost requires 1:1 counseling
Commercials for young people never suggest they’ll be old
We regulate employer plans as a social product (like Social Security)
DB plan can discourage thinking about your role
Lack of outreach information for other employees whose cultures are different
Lack of trust by some of employer
How do we deal with the decline of “forced savings?”
Global marketplace—in past people thought they did not have to save
We pressure people in our society to spend
Also lack of personal responsibility
Too much paper work for people to change their savings
We don’t look at other nations (Japan has a high savings rate— we need to learn from them)
Help is not appearing in publications/media many people read or watch on TV (e.g., Sienfeld)
‘Backfunding’/catch up provisions prohibited
Investing is a difficult topic—educational system ignores it— maybe requires individual approach
Little marketing aimed at youth
Investment advice vs. education. Employers can’t give advice w/o liability
Fiduciary liability—deters employers from actively educating employees
Limits on how far education can go. Even bright people can be overwhelmed by quantity of information
Personal responsibility
Fear—don’t want to know what I need to do
Look at other countries—Germany, Japan
Session #2 Questions
1. What can the private sector and other non-governing organizations do to address the barriers?
2. What can the public sector do to address the barriers?
What can the private sector and other non-governing organizations do to address the barriers?
Use Junior Achievement to teach more about investments
Seminars, printed material, software (Chamber of Commerce could take this on)—needs to be provided
by small employers as well as large ones
Employers need to make material easy to understand and targeted (savers, non-savers, languages, etc.)
Build up a central repository of materials (Department of Labor or Business organizations)
People not with large employers don’t have a way to act: need private-public partnerships on awareness
(like crash dummies)
Public-private collaborate on education campaign aimed at young people—aging, planning, etc.
Employer-provided education
Small employers can’t do as much as large employers. Seminars, print, internet
Small employers could give access to financial planning through association, membership group–like
Need more plain-English materials—Target communications to savers, non-savers, ethnic groups, high-
low education levels
Need clearinghouses via Chambers, business organizations. ASEC
Public/private partnership develop standard forms, materials, samples—would be cost savings for
There are too few vehicles for the very small investor—perhaps payroll deductions plans—most have
decent returns (not savings bonds)—make the low threshold saver think they’ve done something valu-
Teachers/schools need to teach this/allow kids to save
Set up a new program so if you leave “X dollars” of your tax refund with the government, it will add in
“Y dollars” for savings
Personal contact motives—seminars for 20-30 year olds, one on one contact, tax-deferred accounts to
pay for financial planning–or penalty-free withdrawal from 401(k)s, telephone help lines, internet sites
Need an ongoing, funded, public awareness program, like smoking, seat belts—target the people at risk
Need to bring together government, private, non-profit sector in the unified approach
Comprehensive educational campaign
Standard forms—disclosure, educational materials
Need something to get over low dollar threshold—$20 month—financial institutions/programs not
geared to low dollar amounts
System encourages debt—credit cards aimed at low wage earners. Kids get credit cards
Need a program in elementary school—teach kids how to save
Tax refund—government could pay interest
Tax credits to: employees—low tax brackets, employers—set up vehicle
Recommit to employer–based plans—alleviate individual risk
Reinforce the ‘social contract’— need regulatory fixes to encourage establishment of plans
Need to generate demand for plans—information to employee, employer, and spouses
Better education campaign would force some employers to do more as employees demand it
Talk about a “lifetime savings” Summit campaign vs. “retirement”—which for young people does not
Voluntary employee contributions (tax deductible) to DB plans (an individual account within the DB
plan)—need to make sure law allows them access to funds–would ensure professional management of
Give individual tax incentives to pay for “financial planning”, (for employees/employers) one on one
advice is needed—give financial planning same status as group legal services
What can the public sector do to address the barriers?
Reduce: complexity, risk, cost to small employers
Simplify legislation
Write in plain English
Reduce penalties
Encourage incentives, not just prevent abuses
“Safe-harbor” provisions for employers who fund more of 401(k)s can expand this vehicle
Permit higher contribution limits
Tax credits for small employers to help offset costs
Create more barriers to prevent “leakage” from retirement accounts—be careful, might not save at all
Government’s role—reduce: risk, cost, complexity—employers will sponsor plans
Reduce law, write in plain English
Incentive v. regulation
Offset costs–tax credit
“Leakage”—non-rollover. Need to eliminate lump sum distributions, loans—but loans are an incentive
to participate
Bifurcated plan—wall off dollars to loans
But some lump sum distributions may fulfill unmet savings goals, or meet more immediate needs
Need catch-up provisions—late life savers
Catch-up provisions in plans where you can add more than the limit if you’re had to pull some out
(many take money out to live, between jobs)—should be responsibility of employee in filing taxes,
employer should not have to certify it
Eliminate caps—so can catch up as fast as you want: need to take off limits on higher paid who would
have to pay for this by reducing their contributions
Catch-ups should be the responsibility of the individual, not the employer
HCE rules and money limits discourage catch-up
Limits are disincentive to employers
National education campaign will force employers to pay attention to retirement because employees will
demand it. Need multiple approach—print, individual, internet, etc.
Allow voluntary employee contributions to DB plan—tax deductible—create a ‘DC wraparound’ in DB
invested by DB plan
Open up IRAs
Help individuals pay for financial planning via tax break or penalty-free distribution—financial
planning=group legal services
Employer cafeteria plan—allow employees to allocate to DB or DC plans
Japan—Post Office Saving System
Savings bonds, stamps—need something easy and simple
Automatic opt-in for 401(k)–require written opt-out
Create a payroll deduction, high rate retirement saving bond program
Jump$tart Coalition—Junior Achievement—for everybody, not just business, marketing students
Require annuitization..ban lump sum distributions...Choice–balance
Income levels–high income less revenue
Motivate everyone here to get the message out
Learn from high saving nations (e.g., post office savings plan in Japan)
Higher rates on “retirement” or “lifetime” savings bonds—only if by payroll deduction
Jump$tart Coalition at high school level—has web site—but kids see this as just for those interested in
business—need to broaden horizons
How do you get to low income minorities?—get to groups they trust; use public-private partnerships
Go out and volunteer—talk to students, others
H. Silver Group
Session One- Barriers
I. What are the barriers individuals face in saving for retirement?
Taxes (tax code incentives that penalize savings, and favor consumption), total level of taxes, and
role of tax code (thought no one agreed on the latter)
IRA Rules (ineligibility and ineffective use of)
Pension rules (ineligibility, lack of catch-up contributions, portability, minimum age restrictions,
and ineffective use of)
Financial service group shortcomings (Ineffective marketing effort toward minorities, women, low
income, financial services companies ignore specific groups, especially young people, and minimum
investment levels too high)
Employment opportunities (part-time, contingent, temp, industry, etc.)
Lack of payroll deduction
Cultural norms and reliance on government or belief that government will always be there to fall
back on
Fright, boredom and temporary myopia
Income inadequacy—meaning current consumption needs vs. reasons for savings
II. What are the barriers employers face in providing opportunities to help their employees
prepare for retirement?
Difficulty in managing plans
Excessive regulation; discrimination provisions
Short vesting schedules
Portability trade-off between worker and employer
Knowledge of options; especially SIMPLE plans
Question of “what’s in it for me”
Relax contribution levels for employee owners
Inducement for employer to participate
Lack of knowledge of (1) prototype and master plans; (2) declining costs to set up
Employee view of compensation (i.e., Employees prefer wages)
Need financial institutions to set up SIMPLE plans
Bias against small plans; need plan administrators
Inflammatory rhetoric by those against employment-based system
Inefficient process exists to terminate DB to start DC
Taxes eat away margins and competition among for-profit employers
III.What are the barriers to increasing public awareness of the value of saving for retirement?
Need to educate employers about DB plans
Public needs education in basic financial principles
Inadequate education of employees by employer
In some minds too much government; in others too little government
Misperception about what government’s role is
Why bother; good economy
The message
Too much information; people are overwhelmed
Message is wrong for people not saving
Need for daily press interest
Lack of attention to getting message to low-income citizens
Issue is not appealing
No consensus on the message
Individual must own the problem
Session Two—Opportunities
I. What can the private sector and other non-governmental organizations do to address the barriers?
Education and outreach (more media outreach efforts, expand pension counseling programs, encourage
private sector to increase education, educate about the full range of options, learn from older generations,
awareness of internet sites, educate about benefit of starting early, simplify message and work on message,
push life expectancy awareness, encourage/educate about other savings vehicles, eg., checking accounts,
encourage long-term investments, outreach to college/young students, through mtv and college newspapers)
Realistic goals/trade-offs for average person
Allow for catch up contributions
Coordinate policymaking with those you hope will sell the product
Private-sector innovations (i.e., encourage financial institutions to have products for school age children)
Expansion of private-public partnership for retirement savings
Enhance use of existing opportunities and provisions of the employment-based model
II. What can the public sector do to address the barriers?
Education (more media outreach efforts, incentives for private sector to educate, states should encourage
schools to have financial education institutions, education for students with loans, target education towards
minorities and women and work with members of these communities, caution about using unrealistic rates
of return and other market information, percent of lottery profits go into savings education plans, block
grants to MTV and college newspapers, information on retirement savings education in SSA, tax form and
tax refund mailouts, awareness of internet sites enhanced, i.e., Ballpark Estimate)
Tax reform (i.e., reduce tax burden; reduce tax bias against saving; allow diversion of current taxes into
individual accounts, dollar for dollar tax credit for savings for low income or based on age, allow rollover of
inheritance into tax preferred vehicle, allow rollover of capital gains on a limited lifetime basis into a tax
preferred vehicle, avoid double taxation of capital when used for savings, KIDSAVE or birth IRA, Index 2K
limit to CPI, require self-annuitization or annuity purchase with 401(k) assets, trade-off student loan debt
into IRA via tax credits; leverage student loans other ways, universal IRA with no limitations or restric-
tions, universal IRA with limitation on participation; not on contribution, payroll deduction IRAs excludable
from income, abolish regulations, i.e., top-heavy rules, retain top heavy rules and simplify, tax credits for
small businesses to set up plans, over time, a total tax incentive to even out contributions, allow for catch-
up contributions, law should provide for more freedom of choice and control over retirement funds at
individual level)
Increase participation in employment-based plans (i.e., create simplified DB plan, e.g., SMART, SAFE,
encourage portable models, simplify system such as with Graham-Hatch and Portman-Cardin legislation,
Maintain freedom to take lump sum distributions to encourage participation)
Preserve rules that ensure equitable distribution of retirement savings
Expand access to Thrift Savings Plan for small employers
Deal with lack of rollover LSDs/mandate rollovers
Higher minimum wage
Use of house equity such as with reverse mortgages
Quantify this “moment in time” opportunity
Use as a fourth leg, the Budget surplus
I. Yellow Group
Barriers to Individuals
Complexity—too many choices, difficult to conceptualize and plan for retirement
Lack of education
a. Financial illiteracy—don’t know vehicles for saving
b. Lack of financial curriculum in public schools
c. Information received is too confusing (‘gobbely-gook’)
d. Don’t understand the power of compounding
e. No goals put in front of them about how much they should be saving
Culture—spending, credit, paycheck to paycheck
1. Big advertising dollars spent to encourage consumption
2. Short-term thinking in corporations and younger workers
3. Instant gratification – other things more pressing
4. See older generations in retirement today and think it all will work out somehow
Change in family structure—single heads of households, grandparents in retirement caring for grand-
Changes in global marketplace
1. Part-time workers, contractors, entrepreneurs
2. Corporate restructuring, downsizing
3. Corporate retirement plans decreasing in benefits
Not considering different needs of different segments of the population
Tax laws too complex and disincentives on savings (limits on amounts of $ that can be saved in retire-
ment savings vehicles)
‘Lottery mentality’ discourages savings
Increased length of retirement and life expectancy
Lack of income
Barriers to Employers
Risk of liability is too high (in setting up and administering retirement plans, for acting as a fiduciary).
Tax laws are too complex.
1. Cost of setting up and administering too high for small businesses
2. Constant change in the tax code
3. Approximate 4-year lag time between passage of new legislation and new IRS guidelines
Lack of education—how to set up plans and low cost alternatives
Changes in global marketplace
1. Driving low job tenure & more entrepreneurial endeavors
2. Employees/employers can’t make a long-term commitment to each other
3. Young employees interested in portability
4. Employers who set up DB plans are paying for something they have little return on
Employee priorities—cash and health care
1. DB plans too inflexible
2. DC plans tend to get cashed in
3. (Unions work in DB plans because they’ve solved the portability problem)
Merger climate
No business case for setting up retirement plans
1. Fear threat of ownership change
2. Failure to understand competitive advantage of setting up a retirement plan—retention and em-
ployee attitude
3. No incentive to educate employees, less incentive to educate low-income employees
Management of companies doesn’t see retirement savings as its responsibility
Employees are distrustful of employers and financial planners who deliver the retirement savings
Private Sector:
Provide investment/life planning seminars sponsored by employers
Reconceptualize concept of retirement—risk management, not just savings and accumulation
Payroll deductions for low/moderate income
Educate the public on the importance of saving through TV and print media
Provide specific investment advice to employees
Provide simple, user friendly, easy to understand information on retirement savings
Broadly disseminate information such as the SEC’s financial facts toolkit
Teach financial literacy in the schools through public/private partnerships (‘adopt a school’ programs)
Segment educational efforts
1. Basic budgeting for lower incomes
2. Investing for higher incomes
Provide savings information on the internet, and develop interactive software and games
Public Sector:
Develop an expanded IRA for nonworking, part-timers, and independent contractors
Legislative and executive branch need to work in closer partnership to get laws & information about
them out quickly
Allow for catch-up provisions in 401(k)s when people are more capable of saving
Require all lump sums to be left in plan or rolled over to an IRA until age 59½
Simplify rules for DB/DC plans
Provide a tax credit for small employers to set up plans
IRS should send employers information on options—SIMPLE plans, payroll deduction IRAs
Social Security Administration should send out statements to individuals giving them information on
where they stand and how that translates into retirement income
Employers should also translate retirement benefit statements into estimated monthly income state-
ments at retirement, to make these statements more meaningful to workers.
Encourage community groups, Chambers of Commerce, community colleges to educate the public about
retirement savings.